The TSLA Market / Economy

Excuse another poker analogy, but the GME run over the past couple weeks seems like an entire poker table where the loosest fish sucked out on the soulless, mechanical poker pro. Maybe the pro is annoyed, maybe he’s even in bad shape cause he was a bit too aggressive in moving up stakes. His risk was appropriate for normal games but the added variance the fish brings put it over the top and now the pro is stuck. The idiots marvel at how this fish took down the pro. Some at the table see pot after pot reaching hundreds of bb’s and shipping to any 2 so they get loose themselves. The intelligent pro can adjust to the game though (not necessarily the original pro, he might have busted out, I mean the 1-2 other pros at the table). Recognizing the insane EV and having a wide variety of play styles at his disposal to exploit the mistakes while managing the variance better than original pro, this pro gets in cheap then stacks the idiots gambling it up when their hands bust. A few people recognize what’s happening, but for the most part the new pro avoids tapping on the glass, and the rubes are mostly content with the fond memories of that time their table turned into a LAP-fest and the mean old grumpy pro who never gives any action got the worst of it. The game continues as always with the pros exploiting the recreational players because it will never be any other way.


Maybe it’s like Andy Beal putting the pros to the test for all their money and making them very uncomfortable.

This is just for GME only. According to that strassa podcast you all refuse to watch - WSB got crushed on AMC and NOK. WSB drove up the price and ecstatic big holders happily cashed out.

BB, NAKD they were big on too and probably got wrecked. NAKD was the only one timing wise I mostly got right so I lost a bit overall on the MEME stonks. live and learn. DOGE is still 4 cents somehow

All Meme stocks down from yesterday and no posts in this thread rockets running out of fuel

Wow man be more like your name. :rocket: :rocket: :rocket:

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Hey man, my doge is up 2 percent since I bought it this morning because Daddy Musk tweeted. image image image

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What a slight to invite him but ignore thicc_dads_club. A complete and total disgrace!


wooof under 70

The dead cat is hitting a few trees on the way down, but mostly in freefall.

I really hope we have an opportunity for him to state his user name out loud. “Deep Fucking Value” about to be part of Congressional record, a fitting addition to this saga.


Mark Cuban told people to hold lmao

turns out billionaires aren’t our friends, who knew

I wonder if he’ll get added to the lawsuit list. I won’t hate it.

It will be interesting to see if this just bleeds straight down or if there are any significant bounces on the way. Also it is interesting to see (in a relative sense) pretty much all of the other meme stocks fare better than GME the last week or so.

Rich dudes who don’t have anyone in their life to tell them to shut up (so all of them, unless they married well) are so insufferable.

I mean, this was always going to happen.


LOL it’s ok. You can go back to forgetting about SAVA :chart_with_downwards_trend:

@WichitaDM must have bought some stock of it yesterday…