The TSLA Market / Economy

Is this a level? If you opened the borders wide tomorrow something like 99 percent of those coming over would be working all the shit jobs over here and following all the laws.


Trump 2020/4!

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Maybe move this trash to directly GOP insanity containment and cut out the middleman?


And some, you assume, are good people?


Bear is over, we stonking.


Have you bought or considered buying more ATVI @ ~75?

Bought a tiny bit more, but otherwise still holding. I piled into IBA today and yesterday on a merger arb play that I view as essentially 100% to go through with approximately a 14% return, and likely a faster timeline. Holding off on adding to the ATVI position to preserve dry powder and because I don’t view it as guaranteed, just very likely.

What are the terms and estimated close of the IBA event?

IBA is going to close at 81.66 pesos per Mexican share, 12 to 1 ratio, so currently $48.96 per ADR. The exchange rate has been fluctuating to move the estimated close between $48 and $50. It’s the family that’s been the biggest shareholder forever taking it private, and they owned it before it went public - so they’re familiar with the business inside and out. There won’t be any surprises.

They’re getting an absolute steal, and there’s some talk the board may make them bump the price a tad. I already held it as one of my initial value plays and was moderately annoyed by this as a value investor, but took advantage of the merger arb by at the time doubling my position.

Expected timeline is a bit fuzzy, but they alluded to something like 6 months in a recent call, iirc, and the rumor mill is that next steps are coming this summer and it’ll close later this year.

Last week it’s likely that a merger arb hedge fund had a margin call because some of the merger arb stocks drilled for no apparent reason and volume skyrocketed. I moved money into my HSA for this year and my non-tax advantaged account and put all I could into it and nearly doubled the position again.

It’s now trading higher though, and it’s not as attractive - only about a 10-12% return.

Yeah, well China is fucked for a slightly different reason. One child policy coming home to roost. But yes, I agree, much of the “first” world is going to get fucked by not having enough immigration from the rest of the world.

So, looks like some more dead cat STONKS today.

watch and learn


Stonks stonking because corporations know that in 15-20 years there’s going to be a huge influx of new slaves ready for the corporate grinder?


CEOs talking about bankruptcy is bullish

It probably is. Musk talks about bankruptcy ----> Texas and other red states give him tax breaks and other incentives.


Amazing. Do you have your ear to the ground on the dinar stuff too? Would love to hear what they’re saying about it now.



Another possibility is that people have stopped buying items that are not necessities as the price of necessities has climbed, so their inventory in that stuff is piling up.

We seem to be in this topsy turvy world now where supply chain snafus somehow cause excess inventory, airlines have so much business they’re cancelling flights, and unemployment is so low it’s tanking the economy.