The TSLA Market / Economy

Bill Maher is such a fucking idiot.

Bill Mahr having a successful TV show for thirty odd years will never not astonish me.

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Run if the mill guy who mistakes being skeptical for being smart.

I’ve probably posted this a few times but for the short period of time I was going to LA clubs, the running joke was when is Bill Maher going to show up with some model that’s 30 years younger and 6” taller than him. He usually did.

I liked mid-2000s Bill Maher. Not sure if it was more that he changed or I did.

Mid-2000s Mahr would occasionally fire shots at Bush, it was probably his most tolerable era. 2022 Mahr is pure Facebook grandpa shouting about cancel culture and transgender kids existing.

But isn’t Bill Maher also considered a “liberal” … That clip (admittedly the first I’ve seen of him) make him look like a garden variety fox anchor.

He’s just a stupid contrarian like Joe Rogan. If he’s talking to or about conservatives, he will act oppositional and appear to be liberal. If he’s talking to or about liberals, he will act oppositional and appear to be conservative.

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Reading up “political views” on his Maher’s Wikipedia page. Wow, that more or less describes the views of most of my colleagues (35-45, white or Asian straight-cis males - all tech bros all making mid six figures)

Explains his popularity I guess.

Maher’s show back in the 2000 era was a more ideal debate show but instead people wanted us to yell at each other so we get that instead

They’re actually both right (and wrong to a varying degree obviously mahr more so) about this inflation. The inflation is mostly boosted by corporate profits, the everyone has too much money part is why the basic stuff and crypto/etc went sky high for a time as people had excess money (overall we still do, we haven’t entered a recession yet). which was partially also the cause. Many businesses have too much inventory right now and are trying to unload it. Oil was because a crazy dipshit started a war.

should settle down slightly here as those businesses offload inventory and other countries said lol we’re buying russian oil deal with it

in the 70’s it was labor, and when prices increased they asked and got more money which led to prices increasing which lead to getting more money which led to until volker said enough of that and carter let it happen and then we got reagan.

tl;dr the stimulus during covid ended up being too much all around leading to issues now

So which of these are you saying is the major component:

  1. the stimulus actually increased the demand for goods and services above it’s pre covid levels (as opposed to backstopping and preventing cratering of demand) and supply can’t match up leading to demand pull inflation
  • or -
    Are you saying that there are various supply shortages due to covid, the war, the covid zero policies in China, morbidity in the workforce due to covid causing a supply shock, however without the stimulus this would also cause massive unemployment leading to demand destruction that would therefore not cause inflation.

Lack of immigration and early retirement are bigger issues than people dying of covid.

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Lack of immigration is going to fuck us so hard. We’re going to learn the same lesson Japan did about low birth rates, an aging workforce, and no immigration.

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Lol at the idea of America ever learning a lesson. America is The Greatest Country In The World. Go back where you came from!

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Yeah the Colorado River is drying up and 7 states are about to have to significantly cut their water consumption, thousands of cows just keeled over and died because it was too hot in Kansas, Yellowstone is having a 500-year flood, and South Jersey has a wildfire.

And probably 40% of the country still thinks climate change is fake. We’re driving this fucker right off the cliff, and the gas pedal will be mashed to the floor until we’re literally airborne and descending.

The only question is which of the many cliffs we’re careening towards at once will we manage to swerve and crash over first?


Europe, so Korea, china (esp. china), all have this way worse than us.

Tbf not sure japan has learnt the “lesson” unless the lesson is robot friends!

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Lack of immigration isn’t the problem, it’s lack of quality immigration. We have too many central americans coming here to run drugs for cartels. (can’t blame them if they’re not gonna get arrested in some cities they’ll make more doing that than anything else)

It’s actually flooding in yosemite atm but the west that’s rough this is kinda why I’m bearish on vegas overall, that lake keeps having issues from time to time and LOL california selling the water to like nestle for nothing.

Crops are on pace to pretty good though. Quite mixed like always.

It’s flooding in Yellowstone, not Yosemite. California is dry as a bone.

Like 0.00% of immigrants from central american countries are workers for cartels. They’re just poor people who want to work and make a better life for their kids. The main trouble happens when their offspring not born in the states have no hope for a future and get into gangs.


We’re also not really getting flooded with drug lords.