The TSLA Market / Economy

Looks like we’re all gonna be ok again guys.

Well you’re not owed anything but you deserve a refund for your shitty American education.


I don’t know, they sound too dumb to be American. Probably are post Brexit UK educated.

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I don’t even think we get anymore reasonable looking dead cats right now. I’d gamble guess that we just crater another 4k on the dow this week and then maybe a cat rises from ashes.

Big call. I once met a master’s educated American (in accountancy or some financial degree iirc) that didn’t know that the seasons were opposite in the Southern hemisphere from the Northern hemisphere.

I googled the question as I wanted to see the responses and it was posted on reddit / askUK

our education has declined significantly will keep getting worse now the people in charge are more interested in a lot of things that are not actually teaching the kids stuff


Need a price check from the meme aisle:



Valuated? WTF…

who the hell is still buying GME

that alone should signal we’re nowhere near a bear market

Institutions have been selling and shorting, companies are buying back shares at extreme rates. The economy is still fine currently, the selling is due to fears that inflation will cause really high interest rates that will make companies fund fewer projects leading to higher unemployment, defaults in the debt market and defaults in the housing and real estate market.

June 2022 feels a lot like June 2008 to me. Lots of uncertainty and ominous signs, but the wobbly house of cards is still standing aorn.

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GME is about to split (I believe 7:1) and many people on reddit (r/superstonk) literally believe the price will stay the same after the split. They think the market cap and their NetLiq will magically 7x just from a stock split, because ItS aCkShUaLlY a DiViDeNd

I wish I were joking. But I look forward to their reactions on the day of the split! (Or maybe I shouldn’t because eventually one of those incels will make news in the “No Way To Prevent This” thread.)


Quarter ends shortly, and if it turns out that Buffett didn’t do a whole bunch of share repurchases, I’m going to be extremely nonplussed.

Also, wow:

An anonymous bidder paid a record-breaking $19 million for a private steak lunch with legendary investor Warren Buffet. The sale was part of the 21st annual auction for a lunch with Buffet, produced in collaboration with eBay and the Glide Foundation, a San Francisco-based non-profit working on combating poverty, hunger, and homelessness.

[gjge CNN on spelling his name]

For $19 million you get the good Buffett that has crab legs.


It is insanely dumb but they think that because it happened with TSLA.

But with TSLA the price initially went down before quickly getting bought back up, right? Whereas GME derpers think the price won’t go down even for a split second.

Some also believe short-sellers will be obligated to provide shares for the stock dividend, forcing shorts to cover at any price and set off another squeeze, especially when it’s revealed how many of the borrowed shares are actually fraudulent!

ETA: another reason people are buying is they’re excited about Gamestop’s NFT marketplace that recently launched.

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