The TSLA Market / Economy

It was a nurse. I introduced him to I bonds.

But you’re right ofc

It’s like what Volkswagen did with their Diesels. They programmed the emissions control system to only turn on during emissions testing.

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They should go back to issuing actual stock certificates like in the old days. You could even put pictures of cartoon apes on them! Something for everyone imo.


If it somehow involves blockchain I demand it.

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It’s going to lead to some litigation over when the accident actually occurs, similar to when does a human life start. Like does the accident happen at the moment of inevitability or does it happen at the moment of impact? And if it’s the moment of impact, does that mean if I drive 120mph towards a turn I need to be going 40mph to navigate, with a brick wall on the outside, and I am sliding sideways as I try to steer, now having no traction and skidding out of control, that I’m not actually having an accident until I hit the wall?

it really sucks musk is gonna so irreversibly ruin public trust in a technology that seriously could someday eliminate accidents almost completely.

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New prediction on self driving cars.

Getting them to work the best requires extensive regulation and cooperation.

  • communication standards so they talk to each other.
  • use of road based cameras and scanners to supplement onboard sensors.
    -standards for signs and road markings that can be read by the car as well as the driver.

So of course. America will fuck it up, while Europe and Asia race ahead.


And pedestrians broadcasting their position with their smart phone. Voluntary of course. But hey who wants to die?

Seems unlikely that the cruise lines are going much further south. However, I just loaded up on them so I’m sure they’ll crash.

You’re definitely going to end up having the last laugh on that one.

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Commercial real estate is about to get decimated. If the fed sticks to their guns perm rates are going north of 6%, meaning basically nothing is refinanceable and defaults will be massive. Big banks have been very cautious and will probably be fine but some regional banks and debt funds could be in for serious pain. CMBS will get slaughtered.

If forced to make one bank bet, I would short Bank OZK.

Why that bank?

Why’s that?

Oh good, a jman/jal exchange in the stonks thread.

Hmm jal, seems like the first time you’ve ever posted itt. Not just following jman around trying to start a giant conflagration are you?

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They have been incredibly aggressive in the frothiest markets. They have massive construction loans that will not be repaid if interest rates stay high and/or we get a recession.

I don’t have direct experience with them, but I’ve oft heard OZK described in my world as where you go if you can’t get financing elsewhere - because they’ll lend on everything - as long as you’re willing to put up with some of their onerous terms.


No hes not. We are fucking years, like multiple decades away from actual functioning self driving cars. We’ll fucking destroy ourselves first.

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i think planning for slow hiring and planning to get rid of some workforce instead is reflecting a shortage of engineers right now. it’s very tough to hire, usually end up bidding well over pre-pandemic salaries. it’s either do more with fewer but retained workers, or lose them in a few months anyway, its playing out like 2011-2015 in a way.