The TSLA Market / Economy

I’m just not sure that for your average middle class 50-60 year old who has worked their entire life and has their entire net worth in their 401k and their home this is going to end well at all

Index funds are still ahead of where they were in March 2020.

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right the market can still fall a lot from here, we haven’t had mass layoffs hit the news headlines yet (though crypto has just begun theirs)

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IDK. Companies are still making money. My company missed earnings and its stock dropped 40%, but it still made a profit. Until that changes not really seeing the end of times scenarios.

From Feb '21. Kinda wish I’d stuck to my 36k idea, even though it had no actual justification.

Hey at least private equity will (finally) take it on the chin.

We haven’t seen much layoff talk yet, but I have seen and heard of a number of large tech companies that are in a significant hiring slowdown or freeze (in at least one case). That feels like a precursor to layoffs, I’m just a lay person though.

Obviously anecdotal, but a lot of posts on HackerNews suggest that the FAANGs are way over-employed, largely just to drain the talent pool from each other and potential startup competitors.

If there’s any truth to that it will be interesting to see how it plays out in a recession. For the first time in my career the job market for software engineers might tank.

Totally normal for a single company to lose half a trillion of value in six months

Hasn’t the market been great for job seekers lately? Not sure what to make of all this talk of layoffs.

One company I always stayed away from once they went bananas.

The cruise lines are getting close to their covid lows. Will be interesting to see if they hold.

Yes, still white hot. But things can change of course.

Lots of hiring freezes right now, it’s definitely cooled off IMO

We’re still desperate for nurses and docs right now. Probably as recession proof as it gets though.

there’s been massive layoffs, but around that time, my linkedin inbox started blowing up - I sense for the top 30% of job seekers this is gonna be great, not so great for the bottom 30

like you’re seeing the # of jobs seemingly going down but people are still getting hired

In some sectors, not universally.

The Biden administration stressed the upside. It wasn’t “automatic or inevitable” that the U.S. has notched “the single largest nominal reduction in the federal deficit in American history,” White House budget director Shalanda Young said.

I think it is much more likely the Fed just decides that higher inflation is worth it if it means growth and that is better than Japanese style lost decades. We sure as hell know that it is better for the 1%.


well, we’re never paying that debt and everyone knows it

Interesting times when many recent homebuyers or refinancers can get 2 or 3 year bonds with rates higher than their mortgage

Think I pissed off my coworker when I reacted negatively to this “hedge fund” that has given an 8% dividend as some sort of guarantee. My first reaction was “well that’s a scam”.

He told me I could keep investing in market etfs or whatever and “take the risk”.

It is crazy how bad most doctors are at personal finance