The TSLA Market / Economy

fElon is a government op, won’t be surprised if he “finds” the money to buy Disney next

Meanwhile my company has no plans on doing anything about people’s stocks being pegged at 3-4x over the current share price :joy_cat: (and are currently giving our offers at that price)

Looks like the options are at a set price over a fixed period of time and can be exercised monthly, which does make a good case to get refreshers (they will face attrition if they don’t)

I mean, that’s how options work? You get super rich if the stock goes way up, and you get nothing if the stock plummets. If you’re not happy with that arrangement, then don’t choose to get options!

Imagine your boss telling you that your holiday bonus is payable in either cash or lottery tickets, at your discretion. You choose lottery tickets and then go crying back to HR for more money when those lottery tickets don’t cash.

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There is unvested future income here at stake, not just past income (your lottery tickets). If my income goes from $300k as a senior SWE, but with the stock being down my next 3 years are going to be at $100k, you’re going to have attrition. Management certainly is not obligated to do anything, but in a highly competitive job market, they are going to lose all of their talent.

If instead in your example I received $100k because my lottery tickets sucked, my future EV is still at $300k, so I’ll stay since that’s competitive with the job market.

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Really it’s just bizarre that they price their equity incentives the way they do. If the stock goes up, the employee gets paid extra, and if the stock goes down, you have to reprice the award or they’ll leave and get a new job with non-underwater equity.

The theory must be that the stock price always goes up, so you retain your key employees better with comp that feels free. If they are around for a few years, they have hugely appreciated incentives they can’t walk away from. But that’s not a very true theory.

EDIT: it’s basically like your theory, except you let the employee scratch off the lottery tickets to see if they are winners before they vest. Then they get to decide whether to quit or not.

Yeah it’s always seemed a bit insane to me, but it’s standard (with some variations) across of all of tech. I assume comp structures may change once the stock party isn’t in full swing anymore.

wealthy people seat cushions are way different


The story I referenced says explicitly that the options vest immediately, which is one of the things I find so ridiculous about this story.

Has anyone else considered that once the Republicans curb stomp Biden there will be a real push to cut spending/stop inflation/slow down the economy? Everyone ignored those guys when inflation was 2% but in the current environment they may feel empowered.

There’s a big push to cut spending every time the GOP has a trifecta. They’ll come after the ACA again, and if they’re less stupid about it they’ll succeed with ease. They may come after Medicaid, too. They’d succeed there, too, I’m guessing. They’ll obviously roll back any spending that started under Biden.

I think in terms of substantially bigger cuts than in some of their previous negotiations. It might be less unpopular with the public now.

I mean last go around they tried to completely repeal the ACA. Can’t get any bigger than that. I suspect they’ll try to completely axe Medicaid, too.

It’s a drop in the bucket but I wouldn’t be surprised if they tried to cut all federal spending on K-12 education, which is like $80B or tried to kill the Dept of Education all together. That’ll be to stop CRT.

Annnnd IT’S GONE

What is?

Yesterday’s spontaneous market bounce. At least, I’m looking at QQQ


Stonks down 0.75% = STOCKS CRATERING

Lol first of all 2.5%, but I’m just commenting on how it went up for no reason yesterday and then disappeared in the blink of an eye. Strange market we’re in. Maybe just people buying every single dip.

But also, in the past month the nasdaq is down 14%. It’s now down >20% from ATH a few months ago. I don’t know what’s gonna happen (nor do I even try to predict an index), but that would be what the beginning of a crater looks like.

Dow down 500, Nasdaq down by 3%

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