The TSLA Market / Economy

fortunately i dont think Elon is eligible

Jesus we dodged a bullet there.

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but lets be real the SC is 100% ruling in his favor if he ever does run

Then Arnie should run right next to him and steal his thunder. But it needs to happen soon before Arnie is too old.

For now. I wouldn’t put it past the GOP to get some constitutional amendment ideas when they get 60+ senators in 2024.

yeah at this point id be more surprised if we get a progressive president than an Elon presidency

Surely Elon has a better understanding of the stonk market than GME bagholders? Like, he knows that Gates being short doesn’t affect Tesla’s success or TSLA’s price, right?

So this is just, “How dare you bet against ME!” Nevermind that Elon himself said TSLA’s price is too high (back when it was much lower).

I would be shocked if Musk is actually doing any legitimate philanthropy

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I wouldn’t be so sure of that honestly.

Probably, but Elon has the emotional maturity of a grade schooler.

Looks like we’re continuing to not stonk.

Twitter officially on its way to becoming a cesspool.

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In case anyone is wondering, here are the companies in which Elon Musk doesn’t have enough money to buy a controlling interest:

  • Apple
  • Saudi Aramco
  • Microsoft
  • Google
  • Amazon
  • Tesla
  • Berkshire Hathaway

That’s it.

Trump back just in time for 2024. We are totally utterly fucked.

I thought the narrative was that Elon Musk was “cash poor” or some bullshit.




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Yeah he made a big deal about selling Tesla stock last year to pay ~$10 billion in taxes or something but when he wants to by $3 billion worth of TWTR and then eventually the whole company he just finds the money somewhere like magic.

Netflix stock has gotten killed, which has not suprisingly affected the employees who hold significant stock options. Since those options are typically granted at the money, any options granted since 2018 or so are out of the money now. So that sucks for the employees.

And it sounds like they’re asking for new grants to offset that drop, which is something that other firms have done in the past. But this case sounds ridiculous.

According to this story:

  • Stock options vest immediately, so employees can exercise them as soon as they want after they’re granted. That’s extremely unusual - usually stock-based compensation vests over a period of years.
  • Netflix employees decide how much of their pay comes from stock and how much in cash.

So now I’m completely unsympathetic to the employees, who apparently:

  • could have exercised their options and sold the stock at literally any time over the last several years.
  • made the decision to accept this form of compensation instead of cash.
  • don’t understand that stock options are only supposed to pay off if the company does well. They’re not supposed to be “heads I get super rich, but tails I also get somewhat rich after I bitch about how unfair it is” instruments.

It’s a really curious compensation structure and a bullshit request from employees. (Although it’s a costless request for them to make, so why not shoot your shot.)


Yeah Netflix has always been the FAANG that just pays high cash and not tied up in options and refreshers. like the others.

I assume the employees’ request will be handled on a case by case basis. Keep the ones you really need, let the others walk.