The TSLA Market / Economy

I hate everything new since 1996.


JetBlue comes flying in off the top rope with a bid for Spirit Airlines. It’s an all cash bid higher than the estimated value of the (cash + stock) bid Frontier made a few months ago.

A Spirit/Frontier merger would be nice, because then I’d only have to remember one airline that I will absolutely never fly again.


Believe it or not there was a time that Frontier wasn’t pure trash (about Southwest quality). I remember taking a flight after a few years of never having to fly Frontier and for about a minute I thought I was on the wrong plane.

The victims of low interest rates are mostly invisible. Low yields on fixed income plus inflation crushes savers, but nobody seems to care.

as someone who is a saver type


hurts STONKS too though (well it definitely doesn’t help them at any rate) so the devs gotta do something

That’s because most savers are not poor. Not a lot of tears are ever shed for people who are well off.

A lot of the people having money in low yield stuff are just very risk adverse. ie, some of them would but some wouldn’t and I have no idea the %'s between those two.

or pensions, lots of pension money. Yikes.

Also not a lot shed for the poor (by policy makers)

They get a lot of fake tears, though. Those are still technically tears.

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Midday stonking driven by any news or just algos reading ze charts and deciding buy buy buy?

there’s a difference?

the analysis for extra traffic always seemed sketchy. more public transport becomes more profitable and better with more population. also, people adjust to new routes better than planners are at digging up streets.

My understanding of transit and traffic is that there is almost always more demand for both than there is availability. So if you build more roads you get more drivers. If you build more transit you get more transit users. Toronto’s problem in this regard is that you can’t build more of either easily in downtown.

It’s just people that bought in March 2020, ldo.

@anon38180840 any update on that financial advisor job? Guessing you passed on it based on the fact that you are live posting the golf tournament ?

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Yeah the pay was 55-60, and the bonuses/incentives were worth 2-4K basically. So even with benefits, it just wasn’t nearly enough to consider. With inflation, post-tax, I wouldn’t even make my monthly nut with that (currently providing for myself and my gf).

Sorry, forgot that I never updated that!

People with jobs who like golf actually get work done on Thurs/Fri of the Masters?

yeah in 2022 55-60k is almost insulting, you made the right choice.