The TSLA Market / Economy

Yeah I was pretty surprised. It was always unlikely they’d offer enough for me to consider it or to have to take it, but I was expecting more than 55-60. But it’s good to have the contact if I ever need it.


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Did you consider taking the job and just mailing it in while you still were grinding poker as your main source of income? The feasibility depends on how consuming this job is. From your description, it didn’t seem like it would be very consuming, but I could be wrong about that.

Nah, a close friend hooked me up with the interview so that wasn’t an option. Also would have been tough to do with live poker.

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I just got say that I’ll will be a bit surprised/impressed if the S&P or QQQ closes higher at the end of this week despite how silly it is to make a one week prediction of what the market is going to do. But w/e.


Board members can’t shitpost at their own company, in theory. Not that annoying things like “laws” have ever stopped this clown before.

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10+ coming? Dangit Putin!

Real inflation gotta be over 20 now

Someone please bait her into condescendingly saying WHADDAYA WANT US TO DO JUST SEND EVERYONE MONEY SO THEY CAN BUY FOOD!?!?!?!

we already do that

Supply chain disruption is what is driving inflation. Everyone who was going to went out to eat and shit months ago.

It’s not the money that’s the problem.

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One thing that I now think Republicans were right on is that you can’t just give poor people money. I agree with the moral arguments that it’s wrong to dictate how they spend the help you give, what food they can buy, etc, but if you give them cash the human psychology says they’re going to spend it quickly and indiscriminately and that second part is bad for the economy.

Any additional help should be targeted towards food, gas, housing, healthcare costs, etc.

How so?

Also, reasoning by ‘psychology says’ is the same sort of naive shit conservatives always pull to justify bullshit policies that run contrary to all evidence. Nevermind what you or I think psychology says, what poor people actually do when you give them money is reasonably well studied at this point, no need to make assumptions.

What they actually spend it on mostly is surviving.


Yes, if you mean the opposite.

Giving them cash eliminates ALL the middlemen.

Because it causes inflation in consumer goods, which leaks out into the economy.

stonks are not gonna have a good day tomorrow

Tell me more about this “human psychology” about which you speak so authoritatively?

Jesus if that’s the cost, sign me the fuck up. I get to pay a little more for some stuff and in exchange we have a healthier and less miserable populace. Totally worth it.

“People should be forced to navigate a Kafkaesque bureaucracy in order to prove they deserve to feed their children and not be homeless so that I, who have a house, can get cheaper stuff I don’t need to survive” is quite the take.


If you’re used to not having money to spend, you’re more likely to spend it quickly when you get a windfall because you’re afraid it’s going to be taken away before you can get what you want.

I could be a little wrong on the cause but numerous studies have been posted on this forum in the past about how people who have been stuck poor are more likely to prioritize short term gratification in their financial decisions, and it has nothing to do with intelligence or willpower. It’s how the typical human mind processes the situation.