The TSLA Market / Economy

I’m pretty sure the oligarchs have laundered enough money into London and NYC real estate to be fine.


I mean, I want to send significant amount of troops to the Eastern NATO countries but I don’t want them to end up fighting, I think that’s just the show of strength we need to avoid this becoming WW3, not to trigger it. Obviously I could be very wrong, but I don’t think wanting to send troops this time = wanting to fight a war.

Moderna crushed earnings. $11.29 against $9.82 expected. TTM EPS now $28.29. Revenue expected to be up in 2022 based on already placed orders.

Was -6% pre-market before the call after drilling yesterday, now it’s -3.50%. LOL efficient market.

They’re starting a $3B share buyback plan, being as they’re now sitting on like $17.5B in cash against a market cap of $55B. Add in next year’s already placed orders and apply their profit margin to date, and they have at least another $16B in profits coming in.

Nah it is just gonna be paid for with discretionary spending cuts, this won’t be an issue.

Guys you’ll be shocked to hear that the foreign policy experts at CNBC have quickly found the root cause of every problem associated with the Russia / Ukraine affair:

Joe Biden for not being more pro-oil.

Putin can’t destroy the world with WW3 if we’ve already destroyed it by burning oil!

Chessmate, libs!

If there’s anyone you can trust to have a nuanced, evidence-based take, its Rick Santelli.


This is fair, but I think there is always a big contingent of Americans that want to send people to fight and win because America glorifies the military so much. Stock market crashes are going to at least get some affluent people to use their influence to push for de-escalation and stability, not John Bolton Let’s Blow Something Up Real Good foreign policy.

He’s definitely the president of the Let People Die for the Dow Club.

Yeah I agree with that, although I’m hearing way way less of it this time.

This is probably true but I’m not 100% sure. I mean, if it wasn’t this it was going to be something else, given how crazy the valuations got. But not all the wealthy will view it that way obviously.

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It’s almost like you don’t have an edge here.

Can we identify the American military units that are disproportionately Republican and send them to die for their country?

Time will tell. It’s up more than 11% today.

Nasdaq up on the day! Stonks!

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Moderna is probably a big part of that.


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market going absolutely nutso mode

The stock market recovered fairly easily during COVID. Unless we literally end up in WWIII, why should this invasion cause the stock market to tank and stay tanked?

Buy the invasion!

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