The TSLA Market / Economy

Yeah, this is part of the reason why I’m not confident that we even reach ATHs for quite a while, let alone gain 10% yoy like we’ve done. The only thing that invokes any hope in me is the mere unknown of what the future may bring us. All the info at this moment imo, points to a bear market.

Get ‘em Cathie

Here’s something that’s STONKing.

Anyone playing with this particular fire?

I’m tempted to buy short-dated calls and long-dated puts, but I’ll probably just wait until it gets way too high then debate buying puts.

primed for moon now

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I personally wouldn’t mind shoving money into ark right now for the near future.

well some things will be fine, some will go up and some will get absolutely rekt

basically how it usually is except fewer do the go up part and more do the get rekt part

Doesn’t this look a lot like Masayoshi Son’s investments chart before he went parabolic?

That’s the playbook for these types of funds. If just one of the bets moon it doesn’t matter if the rest crash and burn.


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Bagholder Quotes is releasing a bunch of TESLA memes, I assume something big happened?

These quotes are good examples of why paying 1% to an advisor or w/e…actually not a bad decision for a lot of investors. Half of net worth in Tesla, Jesus fucking Christ.

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A trust fund kid I knew from poker who briefly played as a pro had something like 98% of his net worth in TSLA, and posted on Facebook to brag about it and suggest that everyone do the same. This is when it was trading between 1,000 and 1,200. I commented that people shouldn’t do that, and suggested that he sell some because 98% is crazy and it was absurdly overpriced. He told me what a fucking idiot I was for suggesting he cut it back and sell some when it was over, and bragged about having more money than me.

Wonder how he’s feeling about it now?

I said exactly this a while ago and I got flamed, but these bank financial planners upselling people on actively-managed mutual funds and overpriced stuff are actually saving regular slobs crazy amounts of money. Sure that 1% is a scam but otherwise people will put 100% into meme stocks. Nevermind if Tesla is priced more than every other car company combined.

I know a doc who is retiring super young because he had all of his money on bitcoin and Tesla. Don’t know if he sold it all though.

The crazy thing is after these dipshits bink the score of a lifetime almost none of them sell enough to ensure they’re set for life. Inevitably they think they can replicate it and go broke.

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Boy Putin must be hating what his war games are doing to the price of fossil fuel. :roll_eyes:

I remember a discussion on here back in the dark days of covid, that oil would probably never recover. I felt that the big actors like Russia and the Saudis would find a way to create scarcity again at some point. Which is why I bought some oil stonks. At least for now it seems like may be too big to fail on the global stage.

My only regret is dumping UCO (3x oil etf) after a 2.5x bagger.

Somehow I managed to sell where the blue dot is in that little trough. Timing.

Dont use these multiplier ETFs for anything more than real short-term trades, especially for oil.
They arent reliable trackers of the underlying over longer-term periods and you are highly likely to underperform what you are trying to bet on over longer periods as while as incur additional risk that you arent really trying to take. They should honestly not even be allowed to be sold to retail investors.

Well that was the idea - just hold it until oil bounced back up. But apparently I pulled the trigger early. Yes I am aware they degrade over time.

I did it in my Roth (about 1% of my portfolio at the time) where I am trying to shoot for the moon. The Roth currently holds Cinemark. I’m hoping for some big summer of movies and articles to come out about movies being back, then I’ll sell.

ive been buying the dip since SPY dropped below 445 - starting to run out of money