The TSLA Market / Economy

I’ve done it for a year. Considered going for 3 jobs at one point.

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I think the two most important skills being a winning player in a home game and continuing to get invited are just being sociable at the table and being the same person when you’re winning and you’re losing.


Like, just talking about sports or whatever is like 90% of it. Sometimes you get a whale who doesn’t want to talk about much, but whales are usually social.

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I was always super scared of getting robbed

We had cameras on the door/driveway at the home game and once (decent suburb area tbh) saw some dude at like 3 AM breaking into one guy’s truck. Everyone went out and beat the shit out of him.


Back when I used to play I somehow got invited to a game that at least had a few players who were in the…how shall I put it…the pharmaceutical industry. Everyone seemed nice enough, but it definitely did not give me a warm, fuzzy feeling. I was scared enough that I would have thought I got off light if all that happened was that I got robbed. I just stayed for a couple of hours and got the fuck out.

Yeah I played with a few guys like that in college. Led to a funny story or two, but I also saw guns brandished and thankfully it didn’t go past that. That kept me away from the game for a long time. My more recent private games have involved guys at the opposite end of the pharmaceutical industry.

Drug addicts?

Well, possibly. But I meant executives in pharma/medical companies lol…

I was always nervous about how much cash I had in a casino. I really hated plying live for a living which required carrying 5-10k in cash all the time minimum. It’s not like the casino was particularly safe either.

That being said, I got ripped off online too but I never had a physical threat.

This is completely standard, but generally people become accustomed to it after a short while and they stop thinking about it. Depends on where you played, I guess.

To me, Vegas always feels perfectly safe. LA cardrooms seemed pretty safe, but a bit less so.

I’ve had incidents being followed, it’s so important to pay attention on your way to your car and driving home. If you stay focused and trust your gut, you can notice stuff before it happens and discourage an attempt by making it obvious you see it coming.

I hate carrying cash too, felt ok in the casino, never felt safe at all outside the front door

Agreed. If anything it’s easier to get followed from a casino than it is from a home game. The latter should generally be easier to spot.

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Yeah but if they know where you live they can just wait there.

True. I also never used my real name when I played partly for that reason. I just wanted to make it as hard as I could.

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I think they would be really pissed if it was a competitor, but if it’s totally random industry the worst they can do is fire you. I don’t really care because I could just go get two more jobs very easily. Demand for developers is high and these jobs are probably below average post-covid salary range.

Yeah, you just have to always be alert. Also helps in your hometown room to leave/Park with friends/other players.

go to whichever one is paying you better

Back on the topic of financial advisors, there is a YouTube channel I follow for Canadian financial planning that I think is a good illustration of the potential value of financial advisors. Consider the following video:

This is what good financial advice is going to look like. I don’t know how much this company charges for advice, and they seem to have some wrapped investment services that are probably not cheap, but this is the kind of good, practical advice that is probably worth paying for (especially if you can get in on a fee for service basis, not as a percentage of AUM). There is going to be a lot of people that don’t want to watch YouTube videos like this or that have an unhealthy relationship with money and will be intimidated by this stuff, and where they’ll be a net-positive for them to have an experienced person work through it for them.