The TSLA Market / Economy

IME, the stress from significant downturns comes not from seeing the numbers drop and having “paper losses”, but from concerns about remaining employed, and being able to continue to buy. If I knew I was going to maintain steady employment through 20-30%+ market drops, I’d probably have zero stress.


A country can’t have a non-functioning political system and expect the economy to perform well over the long term. Our economic system has a whole lot of rent seeking and non-regulation happening and that has to eventually cause real pain.


Gamestop down to $86. Gonna need a 10-part documentary on u/deepfuckingvalue.


When I last paid for a roof, the materials were like < 25% of the cost of the roof. Biden could really solve the inflation problem by opening the borders. Hand everyone a Democratic Party T-shirt and pin coming though.

$6 to $9 seems higher than 6%-8%.

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Does anyone have thoughts on a) timing your 12k IRA buy b) timing your RSU sell off (my company is down 20% from peak earlier last year) or c) dialing back your 401k contribution in times like this? Seems dumb to keep dumping in $$ every paycheck. Yeah I know nothing new here.

That’s per square, not per square foot. 1 square = 100 square feet.

Yes, construction terminology is opaque.

Opinions vary, but mine is that I have no idea if it’s dumb or not. So I keep doing it since I’m not sure what the alternative is. I’ve never “dialed back” or “dialed forward” my 401K contributions based on the market.

I tend to DCA anything chunky that I know I’m going to put into the market. That’s for my own psychology, because all the data says to dump it in as soon as you can.

Dollar cost averaging is your friend. The good thing about 401k contributions is you can just set it and forget it.

As for timing big chunks, I think that’s a tougher question. You could always break it up and set a rule like “3k on the first of every month for the next 4 months” rather than “12k right now” if you’re worried about investing at a peak. But honestly for retirement money you can probably just dump it in and forget about it, assuming retirement is pretty far off.

Man he’s dumber than me. I’m buying the property partly so him and his wife will definitely have a fuckin roof over their heads for the rest of their lives and property always goes up right?
Last year was the first time I even put anything away for retirement and he says it’s in a money market fund. After buying the property I’ll have like mid 6 figures left in my savings. I like action and don’t really value money.

dumped the stock I didn’t really want anyway and should’ve done it a few days ago sigh

dunno, there’s some never sell stocks ever of course in there but yeah I’m definitely gonna lose a bit being way too stubborn keeping nvda. I’m down 25% from the start of the year or something so that’s cool.

says in thread value will beat growth stock, biggest thing in the portfolio is tech growth stonk, do not sell said growth stonk


I predict it’s a dead cat.


Live poker in LA, TX and FL is out of control good.

almost all the way back to green lmao

New hotness


Yep, its gonna be 4800 spx EOW isn’t it lol

SHOP with a low of 780 and a high of 964, very cool