The TSLA Market / Economy

I thought macros were similar but I’m not 100%. I don’t buy either frequently enough to have a lot of opinions. I’d imagine they’re more ethical that the factory farms the vast majority of beef comes from in this country.

I tend to end up with Beyond meat when cooking at home because they have a bunch of different products at the grocery store and Impossible burger when having it at a restaurant.

Not sure why, guess the companies have differing strategies on where to focus their distribution. Think they are pretty similar in taste and nutrition.

Key thing they have both nailed is the texture so key is to pick something with flavor to it, like a dressed burger, tacos, etc.

Don’t think I’d enjoy a Beyond/Impossible “steak” pan seared with just salt and pepper.

Prime cut ribeye tonight. 10 hour sous vide pork belly tomorrow night. My resolution to cut down on meat is going great.

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impossible >> beyond taste-wise, and we eat it periodically in “meat” sauces. and while feed lots are really bad environmentally, plant based patties aren’t sound either if factory soy is used. it’s very soil depleting, and continues deforestation. personally i just choose to pay about 2-3x for beef that i think comes from sustainable pasture, rather than eat impossible on an actual burger.

a green revolution is probably mot going 100% veg. i’m betting it’s going to end up approx 50-50 between cattle meat and lab meat.

I can’t remember the brand so maybe it wasn’t one of these two, but I tried a plant-based faux-meat in meat sauce early in the pandemic (back when every store was sold out of actual meat) and didn’t like it at all. It tasted artificial, and no amount of seasoning could overcome that flavor. I was super disappointed because I’d love to replace a lot of my meat consumption with faux-meat assuming the taste/experience is comparable.

yeah brand matters, and impossible and beyond are much better than any other contestant

i could see money starting to pour into bitcoin now. you’'ll make 50% when it hits the previous high. unlike stonks, you don’t have to worry about fucking earnings.

If you eat all the animals, after that you will have no choice but to cut back on meat.

I’m not vegetarian but I try to go meatless frequently. Not a fan of Beyond burgers; they’re okay but I just can’t even into non-meat that’s pretending to be meat. Would rather have a portobello burger or a black bean patty than an Impossible Whopper tbqh. Also, the Impossible Whopper having as much saturated fat as a regular Possible Whopper takes away part of the point of going meatless.

Soy beans are nitrongen-fixing. They naturally enrich the soil, lessening the need for fertilizers.

there’s plenty of protein in various plants and nuts

the fact that protein is slapped front and center on about everything makes me think we’re all eating too much of it and we’re gonna end up destroying our kidneys

basically the same thing as open sea with games, which is already the thing on opensea

only if you go no-till. otherwise it all just goes in the atmosphere or water runoff next season.

soy is used for cover cropping, but then they usually leave the plant where it is. whereas harvesting soybeans usually means organic matter is taken away.

Love the taste of both fake meat brands but they smell terrible when cooking and give me heartburn.

Not really. But I guess that depends on how you define “plenty”.

Unless you’re downing seitan, some vegan protein powder, or otherwise process a plant, it’s not that easy to get a large dose of protein per unit weight (like you would from a chicken breast). I’m not saying it can’t be done, but the choices are limited.

Of course, it’s debatable if one actually needs that much protein for any reason.

Even in no-till cropping, nitrogen is too mobile in the soil. There’s probably a little left in the soil the following year, but not a lot. And by the next year it’s all leached down through the soil. Soybeans are very rarely used as a cover crop. But soybeans don’t require additional nitrogen sources, like most other commonly grown crops.

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My problem with a lot of the fake meat stuff are the ingredients. They often dont sound much healthier. I have brand where I really like the products but the alternative products of a meat maker just taste terrible. I really enjoy the veggie meals Iglu offers which contain enough protein. Another thing I now regularly eat are Falafel balls.

back down to +2% for the day - what happened?

ford up like 12% after I posted it and I didn’t buy it

cool, cool :(

I keep hearing this line about how new housing supply has been less than amount required for the last x years (some say 20 years - which makes no fucking sense - others say since the last housing crisis in 2008)… yet somehow the market just figured that out during record low mortgage rates during Covid? Housing prices are up because people aren’t getting foreclosed, they are delaying listing their home, other assets (stonks) are up, more emphasis on home during Covid and ultra low interest rates… all of which seems like we have a non trivial chance of another housing bubble once these dynamics reverse and there is a rush to sell at the top.