The TSLA Market / Economy

Wait…what? Was it really? That’s incredible if true.

Yeah it’s about climate change lol. That’s why my take on that movie is that giving it a bad review says more about the reviewer as a person than it does the movie. And what it says is not nice.


It’s accounting for all the cars that currently have to pull into gas stations - which is the overwhelming majority at the moment not doing so in the not so distant future.

It’s better now than having to recall half the vehicles on the road.

Fed notes about inflation or something

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i spent the first 2 hours of that movie thinking it was a covid parody. only realized it was about climate change during the end scene when the polar bears/bumblebees came up.

money printer may not go brrrrrrr as much

Hmm, stonks, bonds, crypto and gold all down. Anybody know how monkey gifs are holding up?


The Fed has been telegraphing rate increases forever, but somehow it’s a big deal for STONKS that they may do it a little sooner? Ok

Yeah I thought it was about COVID until two days after I saw it when I read that it was written pre COVID. I’m sorry but when a satire manages to be prophetic in its accuracy and then you give it a bad review you’re basically just admitting that you felt attacked by the movie…

And if you felt attacked by a movie about satirizing our ridiculous system optimized around the interests of the 5000 richest people on planet earth and how it deals with a potential calamity that says a lot about you as a person and where you stand.

I felt seen like most of you probably did. I’m the person nobody wants to be friends with IRL because I won’t stop making jokes about how the empire is collapsing and that the world is ending both in slow motion.

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At this point financial products as a whole are basically a car bouncing down the highway… loaded to the ceiling with nitroglycerine. They might make it to their destination again and send all the people who own a slice their cut, but the first major bump is going to lead to a massive explosion.

A major bump being literally anything that forces rich people to actually reach for their wallets and sell some assets to cover.

I know that you think very little of Warren Buffett, but it’s probably wise to remember that he’s looked like he’s lost his touch before… right before every major crash. And right now he seems to think the best thing he can do with cash is keep it in cash and occasionally buy back a few shares every now and then to keep the shareholders meeting from turning ugly.

We all know what’s right in front of us though… as long as the money printer goes brrrr the nominal value of financial products will never go down. They’ve proven that at this point. The real question is whether that can continue to work with the real value of financial products. It seems to me like the real goal of fiscal policy right now is to keep this thing from collapsing and to get as close to one of Ray Dalio’s ‘soft landings’ (another guy you hate lol) as possible.

I find the term ‘soft landing’ irritating because despite Ray trying to pretend like he means for everyone it’s very obvious he means a cycle change that doesn’t cause meaningful turnover at the top. If that means the poor get poorer the only reason Ray cares is because that makes them more angry and the angrier they get the more likely they are to start dragging rich guys out of their mansions. He knows history well enough to worry about peasant revolts at least, which makes him significantly smarter than the average boomer billionaire.

predictions which I’m going to change my mind on if omicron ends up blowing over in 2 weeks and they turn back on all the money printers but

Value beats Growth in general for the year, a shit ton of money went into stonks/crypto last year, like a lot, lot, lot and people without that much free money to blow on shit, and through another covid wave, go for the safer option. (or crypto stonks hard because I’m sure it’s gonna do one of the two and not stagnate) Yes I’m saying more likely down and you can @ me when I’m wrong whatever, I have enough crypto so I hope I am!

early on the best stonks are infrastructure ones that benefit most from the bill (lately I’ve learned a hard rule–nothing is baked in the price, ever)

stonks I’m monitoring but haven’t bought yet
pot stonks, went wild at the open and briefly got pumped early 2021 by idiots and that one time period libertarian blogs all pumped them (and WSB briefly) all have no interest now. When that happens it’s time to look around. Pot clearly in the long run will be legal as those people won that argument on the population so there’s some growth overall, maybe just etf this one as I don’t know I want to look at balance sheets, some are run like shit and gonna die I’m assuming.

wwe–the corporation sucks and live attendance rip during covid and all and also they’re pissing off wrestling fans, but they’re probably selling the company because they’re even firing executives along with massive talent cuts despite making a shit ton of money last year and company sales are almost always some level of :stonks: for the shares. Waiting on this though, it’s gone down lately and might keep going. Also the chairman just raises the dividend when he wants to get more money so that’s not so bad either as long as I don’t reinvest it anyway. This is a dump if or when they sell thing and move on.

Ford or GM–despite TSLA’s valuations they’re not dead yet and have a lot more production plants.

looking at metals used for electric cars (though they’ve pumped a lot already too) more than going for electric car companies that haven’t sold a car. fwiw, I think for electric cars this is the better play than shoving all the eggs in one company.

lowering what I own in PYPL, with the split off ebay they say they’re growing but uh, how are they going to compete in this online payment place if they’re not actually needed anywhere? (I had no idea this hit 300 or I would’ve sold then sigh, I’m more or less a set it and forget type of investor until like end of the year and I’m like it got to what now crap)

companies I don’t understand
Beyond Meat–I’ll never understand why someone would want to eat a plant but in burger form. The whole point of the burger is the meat. I don’t want to taste meat but it’s a plant, I’ll just eat a plant when I want to eat a plant. I don’t have the stones to short stocks b/c I know better but wish I had this one when it got up there.

anyway if any of this is wrong, well you get no money back. Also this is just off top of my head I’m sure I’ll think of more things that are wrong later.

Don’t get not getting Beyond Burger (why it’s a thing, not the valuation).

Solves the problem of people wanting to become vegetarian for moral reasons but having a hard time giving up meat as a tasty staple that they have had in their diet their whole life.

Obviously can’t say it’s the exact same as meat but more than close enough when you are using it for stuff that is dressed up like burgers, taco meat, Italian sausage, etc.

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Making beyond meat tacos tonight in fact!

well, it’s trivially easy to give up diet staples. You stop eating it, you don’t miss it the end.

still beyond stupid to me but whatever enjoy your tacos

+1 for Beyond Meat & Impossible. If you guys want to hate on Tofu and Faux Meats, where do you suggest plant based soy boys get their protein?

If TSLA is worth 1T and jpegs are worth 6-7 figures, all rationale is out the window.

Which is generally considered better by plant-based folks: Impossible or Beyond?

I haven’t cooked with either in a few months, but I don’t generally have a preference. Whichever is on sale. $9-11 a pound is hard to make a regular habit of when tofu and beans are dirt cheap.

Any differences in them nutritionally? Ethically?

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