The TSLA Market / Economy

Do you have access to a 403(b)? I would put anything extra in that if you do, versus more into your DC plan.

I don’t know of any upside to me. It’s a state law that requires these diversions to the state’s DB plan, so I’d bet infinity money that the state would just absorb any gains.

Yes and no. This is a state teachers fund, for teachers at all levels. So it’s not just me funding the DB plans of my older colleagues, it’s me funding the DB plans of public school teachers, who have average salaries that are probably lower than mine.

But goddamit, I had already made peace with this and now you guys are getting me all riled up again.

We do have the ability to contribute to supplemental plans (403b and 457b), but I have not done this. I haven’t really looked into it, but I already feel like I’m a little over-saved in my retirement accounts and would be reluctant to put more on those accounts. Maybe I’ll feel differently when my kids’ college expenses have been taken care of.

I apologize that this has turned into a “spidercrab finances” thread.

I see we survived the spx crash of July 19. Wish I owned a trading platform to be collecting them fees as spx makes back all it dropped yesterday.

Sweet timing on this. I just woke up in a doom and gloom mood and pulled the trigger. At least I kept my CCL and Delta.


Buy and hold index funds!!!

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I am - most of my money is in them. I’ve made a lot of money off of the recovery stonks though.

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Amazing what two weeks of market tanking can accomplish.

For the record I re-flinched and bought back in this morning to everything except Cinemark. Yes I know I am doing everything all wrong that you’re not supposed to do.

I decided to take the 2-day haircut and stick to the original plan of holding until they recover to somewhere between pre-covid levels and all time high.

I’d gladly take BTC over any stock or index fund of your choosing over the remainder of the calendar year

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I don’t think you understand why he’s lol’ing btc

Based on our discussions on bitcoin in this forum over the past several months, I’m pretty sure I do… but maybe you could elaborate.

Don’t want to derail this thread on the morality of bitcoin tho.

Bought a bunch of August SPXS calls yesterday. I’m trying to ensure all of the responsible index investors out there have an easy +10% next month.

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Maybe you do then. I doubt it’s because he thinks [stock X or ETF Y] is a better short term value play over btc.

Me shorting Chipotle, every time:


I hate all the arguments for being long or short growth stocks. I hate the entire category and refuse to participate lol.

All I know about Chipotle is that their food is mediocre, calorie-laden and overpriced (also, no actual chipoltes). And despite all that, they have a location on every block in every city in the US. How could they be considered a growth stock? How much more awful can this country get?

my ira contribution this month timed the market perfectly. boo ya

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I never drive by a chipotle with more than a half dozen people in line. It used to be you’d see 20 or 30 commonly.

Then again shorting a stonk that a ton of others also want to short seems to be a huge hazard right now.

What is the growth story? They’re fucking everywhere already!