The TSLA Market / Economy

They knew something. Maybe they just sent Guede in there to fuck with her and he lost his mind. A couple of stoners don’t show up the porch with a mop at 6am eager to get started on their Saturday cleaning.

Someone deserves to be in prison and fired.

Because alot of people have no financial literacy, they don’t know the difference between investing in a stock, investing in a fund, and investing in an IRA. My guess in this person opened an IRA that is actually just a short term money market type of investment that is characterized as an IRA for tax purposes. This is an astronomically stupid thing to do, but I doubt this is an IRA with a stock trading broker who is churning the account for commissions.

I just clicked on that persons reddit profile and they actually gained 17% over that time. they basically just regret picking a fund that underperformed the market.

[–]4thand2​[S] [score hidden] 26 minutes ago
Okay, I am not currently able to answer each comment, but a quick overview:

-Looking back, I did not technically experience “no gains”—it just kind of felt like it, especially compared to some of the percentage gains folks are talking about here. I invested ~18,000 from 2017 to December 2020, with max contributions in recent years, and earned 2877 on that. This still feels short. Am I wrong?

-The investment was Putnam Dynamic Asset All Growth

-I took everything out for a first time home purchase in April and have made max contributions since, but have lost 50 overall.

-I get weekly updates and was aware of growth/depreciation throughout. I just had no basis for comparison.

-It was probably stupid of me to leave it there for so long, but also I contributed to a 403b as a result of this sub, and its growth made me suspicious of my Roth IRA. Neither are my primary retirement account. My partner and I will hit the retirement goals established in the recommendations on this sub, and the Roth was essentially a savings account for a house I never would have been able to do on my own, without that automated withdrawal. Sucks it wasn’t more, but I’m basically now starting from square one anyway, and I wanted to make sure its in the right place.

I have a question about stocks. My uncle died about 2 months ago. He owned a brokerage firm and retired in the 80’s when he was about 50. I went to visit my aunt last week and she told me they have stock in Berkshire Hathaway. I didn’t think anything of it and was like “Oh OK.” (LOL me. Had no idea it was that high.) Because my aunt and uncle didn’t have kids, all of the nieces and nephews are in the will.

I was always under the impression they had a couple million but if they were buying shares its gotta be tens of millions right?

Someone smarter than me can chime in, but they might have stock in Berkshire that isn’t necessarily the $600k Class A one. There are lower class shares. Again, I need fact checked by someone smarter than me like @spidercrab

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Yeah, the class B shares trade for around $280 share.

It’s definitely not inconceivable that someone who owned a brokerage in the 80’s might have picked up some of the A shares way back in the day. But, I’d personally probably assume it’s the B shares and then be very pleasantly surprised if it turns out that they’re A class.


Agree with @Bigoldnit on all accounts**. It’s not far-fetched to think they could have A shares if they owned a brokerage in the 1980s - the B shares weren’t issued until 1996. But I’d probably assume B shares until shown otherwise.

**I don’t actually agree with apostrophizing the 80s, but that seems very off topic.


My aunt didn’t mention any other stocks. Just said my uncle was very good with his money. I’ll assume Class B but I kinda think it’s Class A since she mentioned it to begin with. Pretty cool either way!

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Idea: SPAC index.

I wanna short it.

This is my favorite GnR album.

But seriously, I think deaths will spike plenty, there’s just too many unvaccinated. Whether it will be enough to scare people is the question. My guess it will and there will be a mild pullback.

But people are stubborn and they badly want to be done with covid, so who knows.


You’d think these assholes would knock it off with the anti vax bullshit as the Dow tumbles 800+ points, but nah.

Stock market taking would be great for Republicans.

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Right but the people who already have all the money definitely don’t want a stock market crash. The people funding the Republican Party are not acting in their own self-interest.

I’m too rational at this, like I don’t understand how covid fears lower the prices of like amazon or ups because then people would buy more online then and they have to ship said purchase…

yeah im pretty sure the antivax Rs are not the same ones that care about the stock market. Like Warren Buffett is not antivax.

I don’t think anyone on the anti vax/open everything up side is gonna give a shit in any way shape or form.

as usual nothing makes sense so I’m buying VTI at the end of the day


Do the people selling think we are about to go on lockdown again?