The TSLA Market / Economy

10 year treasury down to 1.45%, tell me moar about INFLATIONNNNNNNNNNNNN


Just shows what a fucking joke the process of measuring inflation is.

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But Riverman, prices are up compared to the depths of a worldwide catastrophe that had everyone saving money instead of enjoying their usual pleasures, and there’s a Democrat in office. OF COURSE IT IS INFLATION.

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What could go wrong.


A while back I was watching a financial conference and the CEO of IDEX spoke. It was an interesting presentation. When I looked into the company, it seems to have a sketchy history–which surprised me, given they were speaking at a BNEF summit. … Anyway, I kind of wonder if this company has potential, as a transpotation electrification play.

It’s jumping pre-market. Looks like it’s getting added to the Russell 3000 index. Might be worth some LEAPs or something, especially if it’s something WSB could pick up… and it’s starting to get some attention there. Might buy a few calls this morning for fun.

It doesn’t sell food or entertainment to stoned people so I think wsb pass

10% short float.

fyi I have no shares or investment of any kind in this company

BREAKING: Market rallies on worse than expected inflation data.

*US May Consumer Prices +0.6%; Consensus +0.5%

*US May CPI Ex-Food & Energy +0.7%; Consensus +0.5%

*US May Consumer Prices Increase 5% From Year Earlier; Core CPI Up 3.8% Over Year

There are multiple posts about it or including it. Here’s one from 2 days ago:

lol well
there ya go!

Update: this is not fun


I wonder if GME is why the other memes are taking a hit today. The shareholder meeting yesterday didn’t go as the cultists hoped (no NFT and no “crypto dividend”), which is why GME is taking a dive.

Wait, wut. People thought GME was going to issue a “crypto dividend”?

people think GME is going to $10,000


With all this inflation we’re hearing about I wouldn’t be surprised!

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plus i heard they are going to issue a crypto dividend!


I have a friend I can ask for the deets. He mentioned it the other day and only afterward did I think, hoooold up htf would that work? He’s among those who believes GME should be fundamentally valued at/above 10k per share.

(He’s a drummer)

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As for the NFT thing, the idea is that when buying a game, you receive NFT instead of a license key. When bored of the game, you can trade it for a different game’s NFT. You can also rent games this way, like it’s 1997 but digital. (Why GameStop would want to let people trade games instead of purchasing more, and why an NFT is necessary for things that can already be done without NFT, I don’t know.)