The TSLA Market / Economy

VW squeeze was in 2008

still not there

tootsie roll $TR

heavily shorted


squeezed from 29 to 58 in january (aka last time)

only $33 right now and hasnt squeezed current cycle yet

IV relative low too, ~77%. Looks like June $35c are going for $1.1, might get some AM tomorrow assuming this madness continues

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this one was a blip last time, seems to be ignored this go around

At pre-covid high already. But might still be some euphoria in the tank.

The people taking the losses on options sales are likely a combination of futures and options market makers.

When you buy a Wendys July call option, you’re selling it to a market maker at a Citadel or a firm like the one I work at. That market maker then buys the appropriate amount of futures to hedge that call sale. So in the immediate term, the options market maker doesn’t care if the price of WEN goes up or down. If the price keeps going up, their short call accrues more short deltas (futures) because short options = short gamma. So they have to hack their position by getting short deltas, riding those up, and having to buy more deltas at higher prices.

The futures market maker who sold the original deltas to the options market maker also absorbs some loss on this. All of these market makers just make hundreds upon hundreds of these transactions a day and manage their risk so that they are unlikely to make money. It’s easy to think of retail investors as doing nothing but buying calls and therefore market makers only sell them, but market makers also get to buy back options from the people who bought lower and are now selling to lock in their profits.


I have a 3 character username, they’ll go nuts for that right

Nah, its a new paradigm. This time is different.

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WISH over $15 ah, opened the day at 7.9 v cool

Yesterday morning I thought I was wrong about WEN pumping because the post I linked hadn’t grown in popularity from the 300 upvotes and nobody was buying. I held for the lulz in hopes that it would slowly gain steam like you said. But when I did a reddit search for WEN last night, there was a more popular post and a couple other shitposts, and WEN was popular in one or two mega-topics. That’s when I figured it would happen today. Unfortunately it was already after 8pm when I saw that, otherwise I’d have had a chance to tell people I know to get the fuck in.

This is exactly what happened with GME in the very early stages. It was rich people trolling the rich shorts and using reddit as the joke and the icing on top.

Just because you’re part of a greedy lucrative hedge funds doesn’t mean you’re susceptible to not making immature and crummy decisions for large amounts of money.

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wish is mostly chinese so everything’s counterfeit

stock doubles in a day

yeah that makes sense

CLNE might go hard rocket tomorrow

It wasn’t just those two posts though, it was them in combination with the fact that Wendy’s was the perfect storm for a pump. Wendy’s related jokes are made on there in every thread, plus there’s the name itself rhyming with tendies and the ticker being WEN lambo. As soon as I saw the first post I thought, “Duh, how didn’t this happen before now?” Most people reading it were probably thinking the same thing.

Now, this one is much less certain but I hope it takes off:

I like how they use names to describe what a value and growth stock are for the people that don’t know what either mean. Everyone knows Warren Buffet and Bill Hwang and those names explain those words perfectly!

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5 bagger overnight on CLNE calls

hope @WichitaDM still has those SDC calls

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basically no volume on the option chains for both TR and PLAY

Sold my WEN at 27 on the way down, feeling like this time it’s not just a dip. It doesn’t help that there are conspiratards on wsb being like, “The MSM is talking about WEN, therefore it must be time to sell!” and also, “I didn’t seen no WEN posts but the MSM says we’re talking about it…they’re trying to control us!”

TWNK got up to almost +9% today after I linked to it! Most of that happened in the opening half-hour. I was all-in on WEN though. I’ll see if it gets any more chatter and if there is, look to buy a dip.

WEN board should all be fired. Easiest game ever.

Reintroduce tendies packaged in a rocket ship box.

Stock soars, massive public attention leads to actual modest gains in sales. Raise billions in cash issuing inflated shares.

  1. Buy doge?