The TSLA Market / Economy

Up 30% pre now. I tailed you on this one. :rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket:


Discount for you stragglers. Dipping hard and might dip some more at the open. Just temporary because I think it’ll pass 50.

jfc CLOV

Counterpoint: unlike other wsb pumps, everyone knows that this is just p&d, whereas GME has true believers that think the fundamental value is 1k+. Also there’s no short squeeze with WEN. So I may be a bag-holder, but no regrets if I am and I’ll probably still break even since I’m in at $23.21. If I had more than chump change in this I would have taken some profit by now.

FSLY takes down internet, stonk up 3%



Which calls did you buy (and sell)?

Shit. I went back and forth on whether to buy stock or options, and ended up on stock. Sold a little while ago for a slight ($100) profit.

Bitcoin down another 10%.

I know people hate hearing it but cryptocurrency is the stupidest fucking thing in the world. It serves absolutely no purpose other than making crime easier for criminals. It is not a store of value, it wastes enormous amounts of energy and governments can end it at any time.


Counterpoint: 1 btc is still worth exactly 1 btc. Stores value perfectly imo.


Trending WSB tickers

Trending NYSE and NASDAQ listed companies for the past 5 hours on WSB.

Apparently it does not even make crime easier

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Wendys over $29

WISH going nuclear

Ooh 10% drop in one year!

those SDC calls now .8 lol this market

simple supply/demand If there’s a rush of demand at once, it go up. There’s only so many shares out there.

Got in on WEN

but of course clover is one **** chamath

wendy’s isn’t shorted that much, if someone was gonna go broke from options it would’ve been from amc/gme by now.

things have been broken before numerous times. These guys are about exploiting. Either versus shorts or via memes. Wendy’s is a solid company who is good at the meme stuff. Wish I had thought of it before.

Welcome to 1999.

Or is it 1997 and shit is about to get 100x crazier?

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