The TSLA Market / Economy


I was looking at CLOV, #4 shorted, recently memed and got attention on WSB, and lots of call action, but then as I was looking at it it spiked from 7.9 to 8.44 30 mins ago. Up 9% now, maybe still has room to go?

lol AMC just spiked 56-65 in the last 5m candle, margin calls?

Jfc over $70

EXPR been pumpiung hard too

Jesus Christ

dodging bullets


Meanwhile I’m on month 3th in the red investing in the biggest company in the world when all they do is print money

Is that a medium or large tub of popcorn?

halted again and memes now dying it seems

RIP my SDC calls which were up 80%

Kiss of death when I took the plunge.

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But how much did you lose?

WKHS spiking right back up

SDC flaccid

guess which I held?

Time to start spamming reddit.

bought AMC at $14 and sold it at $5 or $6. AMA about being an awful market timer/investor.

Maybe I should offer a stonk picking service where I tell people what I’m investing in and they do the opposite, everyone wins


I sold most (80) of my AMC this morning for 38.9. Still made a healthy profit (bought 100 @ 16) but I do feel foolish for rushing around earlier lol

correct answer was CLOV

mudrick capital got a ton of amc shares and turbo dumped a day or two ago GJGE hedge fund

and me too I dumped AHT at like 3. welp

well grats to you amc holders

guess we found out the answer to what if literally everyone buys something and dgaf about anything else what happens.

I just didn’t see this shit with the same stocks happening again but I guess we’ll just do this over and over and over and over and over from now on.


they doin the same gamma squeeze on BB now that they did on AMC, mass buying the highest weekly strike (20c). It has 73k volume

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TLRY’s turn now, fomoed in