The TSLA Market / Economy

Our favorite shorted stock CLVS is getting in on the game too :grin:

Made a quick 90% on the calls I bought earlier and dumped. Still have LOL SNDL shares.

beautiful, i fomoed into 20c and sold half up 50%

SDC rising from its grave is giving me hope

SDC is the only thing holding me back from a decent day. Let’s go.

lol tried to sell calls there at eod for +50% but didn’t fill and now it just dumped AH :(

and of course WKHS absolutely mooning up $2 AH to 13.50

the mooning list

if these dumbasses in hedge funds wouldn’t short so much most of these companies would be the correct price of dead as shit but no, no you guys are stupid and kept piling on even after the earlier hey guys stop being stupid warning was shot.

This got me excited until I looked at the price, a 10% gain is not meme stonking man

WSB gain porn is insane

Looks like I sold my TLRY calls too early.


WSB is flooded with BB

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Efficient market hypothesis in action.

SDC ended up popping some afterhours. I have 40 Jun 18 10c.

images (31)

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Why not

Rolls Royce is going to be memed…is what i was told. something about JZ Beyonce, something, something as a point of attention.

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The United States has the most supremely well regulated financial markets in the world!


Other thread, same op:

They made $500k last year on market, didn’t pay taxes on it, and now lost $600k+