The TSLA Market / Economy

BBBY weekly 40c

day low: .01
day high: 5.25

big money hunting shorts right now, everything with high short % getting squeezed

AMC flirting with $50

I love how the stock instantly doubled AFTER the company (correctly) sold a bunch of new shares at the already absurd price.

Took $50 back to the apartment and is back out looking for $60

Edit: now seeking $70

$60 is done lol

lmao finally halted, jfc from 43 to 62 in the last 30 minutes

I forgot how much I love meme stock season


I picked my buddy up from the airport on Monday and he told me AMC was going to hit $300 and I told him he is nuts lol now I’m thinking I should’ve bought some shares

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rotating into the other memes during halt, GME just spiked $30 lmao

very normal stuff

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unhalted and drilled $10 instantly

It’s so ridiculous it makes some sense. After they raised more cash at insane price, they actually have the capital to try to execute on the crazy dreams the redditors have.

It’s like me valuing my pipe dream garage company w/ nothing at all at $10mm. Then Jeff Bezos comes and gives my company $90mm cash. Previously my company was nearly infinitely overvalued because I was claiming ~$0 was really worth $10mm. Now, I’m claiming $90mm cash plus my idea is worth $100mm or whatever. Depending on your assumptions, the later could be more reasonable.

I bought $10k of AMC at $2.

You can do the math if I’d have gone into a coma until now, which is the only way I wouldn’t have sold before now.

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You could even invest that windfall in AMC! Think of the possibilities.

Do the memers ever chatter about cruise lines, Cinemark or Delta Airlines? I’m sure they don’t talk about oil stonks.

like everything megagreen

just bought 30 SDC $9c based on the fact its like the only thing on that list that is heavily shorted, memeable, squeezed last time, and hasn’t squeezed yet

Also got some WKHS $11c since its #1 and is “only” up 12% lmao

I’m in for 20 SDC $10. What else do you like to take some flyers on? NM just saw WKHS.

What about another weed stonks pump? TLRY?

i had tlry weeklies earlier but keep getting faked out, sold my 18c on the morning dump for 20% only to see them double from where i sold them