The TSLA Market / Economy

Buy the dip? I never thought these companies were going to be allowed to get stupid-rich on this first vaccine due to political pressure, but it’s the second one. Also, I’m a financial dumbass, as stated.

Yeah, your broader point is probably right, just thought the timing was funny and kinda shows how tricky it can be to time the market.

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Does anyone have any PTON?


pton was gonna fall from people going outside again but that news is just gonna accelerate that

My Facebook wall (I know, delete Facebook) is basically nothing but people posting about the Peloton recall. It’s a complicated problem, even though treadmills are only <5% (I think) of their sales. A lot of people are claiming that they’re not going to return their treadmill, which is whatever and maybe even good for PTON. The problem is that PTON’s stance right now is that users should not be using their treadmill.

This is a problem because so much of their revenue and future income stream comes from their subscription service. So if you tell your customers not to use their treadmill for the foreseeable future, I assume you’re going to also lose the associated subscription revenue for those customers. But it’s not only that. PTON also has to decide whether to continue providing digital treadmill classes - it’s a mixed message to say that you shouldn’t use the treadmill, but also we’re going to continue providing new treadmill classes to use.

But that isn’t an easy decision either, because you have a lot of subscribers who use the digital classes, but don’t use PTON equipment. (For example, I don’t own a treadmill, but I’ve used the digital running classes on outdoor runs.) So maybe you do continue providing running classes, but encourage your primary user base not to use them?

In any event, I think PTON has completely botched this whole thing, but I also think it’s more complicated to figure out the likely ramifications than many people are acknowledging.


Too bad for Uber that Wall Street/the cia found in Elon musk a deplorable asshole psycho they like even better

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can anyone tell me why mgm is tanking today? i cant find shit on google.

not sure but Penn and Draft Kings tanked even more than MGM today. The only thing i can find is first quarter earnings were reported today for Penn but it says they were better than expected so of course the stock tanked.

is this because the promos are worse now

sigh, how in the world in people have too much money news are those stocks going down ffs

Payroll report gonna crush. Funny how covid has been basically the goat event according to Wall St metrics.

Edit: entire media was wrong

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It didn’t crush.

Right wingers now going to instantly pivot from “but inflation” to “see, too much welfare for lazy poors.”

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Yeah shocked to see that given every bit of media coverage was masturbating over the projected figures.

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Yeah more free government money! Only thing to worry about is interest rates and any bad news means they stay zero forever!!! Woooo debt

Futures completely unchanged of course.

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Why can’t Biden make a deal with Republicans to produce better jobs numbers, IMO.

SPX all time high

My YahooFinance “recently viewed” list, which is basically all meme stocks, is insane right now. My ELY calls might actually end up in the green too, this would be amazing.

Crypto pricing is same phenomenon as people paying all cash no conditions for homes or paying over retail for used cars.

draftkings beats estimates

price down even more

why do I play stonks when all the $ is in dogs on coins and blatant pumping garbage

Everyone beats lol estimates, if you don’t it means you had a catastrophic quarter.