The TSLA Market / Economy

Apparently covid is not gonna be over in a few weeks :(

Cruise lines are a bad bet right now imo. Even if they are able to resume in some kind of limited fashion, requiring vaccinations and socially distancing with masks… Running profitably? Still seems really unlikely that the big 3 survive. There are way too many ships right now.

What’s the market like for Biden vs Trump



Or do you just mean meme stonks are getting crushed?

Well, more specifically my portfolio. Not too heavy on meme stonks. Mostly all CATV and January CCL calls.

Same here - except I stupidly screwed myself by buying CCL in my brokerage account, which means I get hit with short term cap gains if I sell before November.

Although I guess if it keeps tanking I can sell.

why are casinos stocks getting wrecked today?

Isnt the market as a whole trending down today?

What’s the likelyhood of there being another round or two of stimulus checks - or extending unemployment beyond sept or w/e it is?

If that shit is ending, the market would likely start reacting to the negative attributes of doing so now.

Because Covid stocks across the board arent look too hot right now.

Well the good news is if CCL falls by another 1/3rd I’ll be able to sell it out of my brokerage account with no cap gains, then rebuy it in my IRA.

Wow, I didn’t realize the oxford vaccine shit was moving the markets. It is a non-issue. Everyone stuck with the oxford vaccine has no choice but to take it. The president of South Korea just took the fucking thing (or pretended to). There really isn’t any logical reason for casino stocks to be selling off right now besides profit taking. We just gave away the fucking thing last week to Canada.

Recovery stonks had been straight up for like 3 months. Pullback had to happen at some point. I’m sticking with my original plan to HODL until they hit pre-covid levels.

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WSB is full of loss porn right now

Some speculation that Michael Jordan lost a ton due to Gamestop:

Jordan loves the gamboool so possibly lol

I don’t think a better setup exists than intraday shorting GME during all of this absurdity.

Of course the ones taking it to the chin the most trading GME don’t have opportunity to day trade whenever they want - by design.

I always wonder how much a random forum post like this could fuck things up but w/e. It’s just redic.


What exactly happened just after 2pm today causing my recovery stonks to tank?

GME up 50% today