The TSLA Market / Economy

Yep - I’m getting close to pulling the trigger on unloading my QCLN. I don’t want to be hitched to a shooting star.

Musk has hinted that he has begun designing that platform for skyways and he’s a huge Back to the Future Part 2 fan.

Earnings? Where we’re going, we don’t need earnings.


Who’s laughing now, morons?


Where do Glassman and Hassett go to get their apologies?


I posted this for lols when the pandemic started and the market tanked and I remember @suzzer99 said this:

This book has literally been my target amount to scale back my portfolio out of 100% equities for years - Dow 36k. It just felt like about when the music would finally stop and there wouldn’t be enough chairs to sit in. No I cannot justify that with any science obviously.

Also because Dow 36k would get my net worth to really close that I could sort of coast until with my ultra-cheap semi-retirement plans until SS kicks in. No reason to stay greedy after that I figured.

But then coronavirus came and canceled the party early.

Time to pull that trigger!! :grin:

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Damn that was always going to be my trigger to go to full cash. And of course now I won’t do it.

Lol nice memory.

Is there a DOW 50k book I can update my life plans to?

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I distinctly remember a DOW 40k book. Not sure about 50k though lol.

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The good news for the millenial first time homebuyer is it sounds like they’re trying to sell to institutional investors instead of millenial first time homebuyers, so prices will stay high, supply will stay low, and they can keep on paying rent to capitalists.

The problem with getting out of stonks right now is I think we already have very real inflation in like everything except big screen TVs, which is apparently 50% of the CPI.

Cash just feels more terrifying than the impending market crash.

Idk, but it feels like the chaos and inflation is pretty much ready to subside.

I mean, how much different is it going to be this time from the apparent chip glut in 2001 after the crazy buying in 1999?

There’s really nowhere to hide right now. There are plausible scenarios that include inflation, rising interest rates, and poor corporate earnings. That’s bad for cash, bonds, and stocks. I guess we can take solace in the fact that in that scenario the US government will certainly try to bail out the stocks, probably through quantitative easing that will bail out the bonds, with the effect of curtailing inflation. So maybe just have enough cash to ride out a capital markets crash, and then just wait for all the asset valued to bounce back.

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Cash gets devalued in the mean time, but yeah, the options all suck and I’m doing retirement planning based on negative real
returns from everything invested in today and then just pray the crash somehow comes after I die.

Everytime I try and do a bottoms up analysis to justify any of these valuation I end up depressed. Like take all the electric car related companies and try to drill down to what it implies for car sales and margins or what the booming online gaming stocks imply for how
much each American is going to bet a week. Everyone has lost their minds

New Record, DOW 1 MILLION!


50 straight years of exponential 5% growth. What could go wrong?!

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You say that, but from 1957-2018 it’s been 7.96% per here.

Where are the working hard thank you tweets from Biden?