The TSLA Market / Economy

feels like people don’t have the disposable income anywhere near as much now as a few months ago

I sure fucking don’t.

How did I never hear about this before?

I read about it in Matt Levine’s newsletter today and got instantly jealous of him having a mini model Juicero. They’re sold out on that site, but a bunch are listed on ebay.

Not sure if I’m willing to burn >$50 on something so stupid.

tsla casually up $130

On a big Hertz order? Aren’t they capacity constrained already?

If I were a gambler, I’d wager that Hertz does not actually fulfill this 100,000 unit Tesla order.

Also, absolute LOL that a $4 billion order generates a $100 billion increase in market cap. Entire business school curriculum is obviously trash.

I would love to see a DCF model that lands at a $1 trillion valuation.

Hertz is cannibalizing their customer base and brand name by charging bogus fees and even refusing to reverse them when faced with proof. It’s clear the vultures are leaning on the stores to gouge their customers.

It is kind of funny that S&P 500 resisted adding Tesla to the index calling it an instrument of speculation and now, after it was added too late for fund holders to get their full share of the gains, it is still one of the better performing stocks. The one time the index tries to avoid a purely passive approach by delaying the addition of of a stock they get it wrong basically.

I guess just one more example of how indexing wins and the market can stay stupid longer than “smart people” can stay solvent.

Edit: I should have replied to one of the other posts rather than Suzzer but I am not a pro at using forums like everyone else here.

I’m not dumb enough to short TSLA but it’s wild it’s already priced as the overwhelming dominant car manufacturer. I guess as long as anyone buys it like that hertz news straight up arrow

Don’t forget that the 420 announcement was pre-split, in 2018. It’s gone up from a split-adjusted $60/share or so to the current $1,000. Very obviously a rational market constantly revising its expectation of future cash flows, and discounting them with an appropriate discount rate.

I can understand that feeling, but it doesn’t always turn out that way. If I had gone with the “their product is awesome, therefore I’m going to buy a ton of stock” strategy, I would have basically invested my net worth in Peloton this year - I evangelize about it to anyone who will listen to me. But that would have turned out much worse than your Tesla counterfactual, and worse than just stuffing cash in a mattress.

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Someone just please remind me to dump my QCLN when it hits 87.

It’s probably more efficient to use a limit order.

Start doing DCF and you are going to start getting very very uneasy about any dollars you have in risk assets.

As I’m sure you know from your posting, try using a risk free rate of 4 percent and see what happens

@spidercrab could not be reached for comment

Cannot be real can it?

i see the same thing on


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have no clue about the Buffett part being real or if just some other whale that fat-fingered

This would be very exciting to me if true. Mostly so I could tell Mrs spidercrab, “I told you so”.

Haw do you feel about shorting the market again right now?

In a general sense, I just really want to know how much of the lesser cult stocks like Tesla and Bitcoin as opposed to amc, gme (if they even are) and just how much of the retail trading drives something with such a high market cap that high.

Back in like 2015, HOS on 2+2 was hugely popular insofar that its balance sheet displayed that it could stay solvent during the oil crash and it wouldn’t go bankrupt. When HOS dropped down to about 9, Ahnuld the mod (who was a big believer of the stock) made a casual post that he had sold almost all of his position. The post should had been stickied with how many followers he had at the time but the news was so bad that I couldn’t for the life of me understand why the stock was at 9 and not about 30 cents.

I jokingly thought that maybe all of the people on 22 is what was keeping the price high but I didn’t actually believe that and thought that it wasn’t really possible. I now think that shit like that really does hold prices in certain spots.