The TSLA Market / Economy

They need to pair this with enforcement though, they’re leaving hundreds of billions of dollars in uncollected taxes on the table now. Increasing the theoretical value of uncollected taxes helps no one.


That could be them someday!


Unless they’re drawing down amounts that make the financial ramifications of the marginal tax increase meaningless.

Gonna be some amazing takes from the NYT op-ed page on this.

Oh yes absolutely. We need to fully fund enforcement. You shouldn’t be able to violate tax laws and think getting away with it is a 90%+ lock. It should be 25% to get away with it and then only if you’re kinda clever.

He’s now getting dragged in the comments, which is nice. He clearly has no idea what he’s talking about.

I vaguely recall this guy having some extremely spicy COVID takes, but I’m not going to go diving through the old threads to verify.

Edit: I have no willpower.



How about we make this easy and just call it all income? It sounds like that’s close to what this is doing anyway.


His ridiculous use of commas for effect or something might be the most titling thing of all.

lol “stocks fall on capital gains tax” headlines

Reviewed my Netflix watching and realized I literally haven’t watched a single thing on Netflix since Queen’s Gambit came out. Canceled my subscription, which I think I’ve continously had for like eight years. Maybe I’ll resubscribe when the next season of Ozark comes out.

oh look someone who blocked me for yelling at them for their stupid ass covid takes.

Queen’s Gambit was pretty good. And while I agree, I wonder if the past year of COVID had anything to do with the drop-off in quality content over the past year?

The group of Best Picture nominees this year is outstanding. Second best one in the last 10 years.

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The big winner isn’t DeepFuckingValue


Got in a discussion with a bunch of right wingers on a stock market discord. They truly believe the wealthy create all the jobs and deserve all the money. They are fine with their middle class lifestyle while their bosses buy a 2nd yacht. I don’t know how to reach these people.

It’s pure selfishness.

You can’t reach everyone. Consensus decision making is impossible.

Ok in that case yes. But in my case pure selfishness would be wanting a bigger cut from their job. I don’t get it. Who doesn’t want to make more money? Who wants their boss making a lot more than them?