The TSLA Market / Economy

Wow, I didn’t realize the oxford vaccine shit was moving the markets. It is a non-issue. Everyone stuck with the oxford vaccine has no choice but to take it. The president of South Korea just took the fucking thing (or pretended to). There really isn’t any logical reason for casino stocks to be selling off right now besides profit taking. We just gave away the fucking thing last week to Canada.

Recovery stonks had been straight up for like 3 months. Pullback had to happen at some point. I’m sticking with my original plan to HODL until they hit pre-covid levels.

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WSB is full of loss porn right now

Some speculation that Michael Jordan lost a ton due to Gamestop:

Jordan loves the gamboool so possibly lol

I don’t think a better setup exists than intraday shorting GME during all of this absurdity.

Of course the ones taking it to the chin the most trading GME don’t have opportunity to day trade whenever they want - by design.

I always wonder how much a random forum post like this could fuck things up but w/e. It’s just redic.


What exactly happened just after 2pm today causing my recovery stonks to tank?

GME up 50% today

AMC also up 20+%

So selling my AMC at $6 in Feb wasn’t the right move, shocker

Just going to leave this here. Basically nobody in America thinks they are rich.

Lol. He should get a job as a Walmart greeter to supplement his income, IMO.

The security guard at a call center I worked at was basically that guy. Retired mid 50s MBA with a pharmacist wife. He was just bored.


At least the people replying know he’s rich lol

Maybe he’ll admit he’s entry-level rich if he gets to $25 million

Piping hot take incoming.

I’m not sure this guy is disputing he is rich. He’s asking if he can stop working. His problem is not that he can’t identify if he is rich or not, his problem is that he is a risk averse nit.

I only skimmed the thread and if he says otherwise somewhere, then disregard.

Flame on.

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If you set out to calculate the amount of money needed for a 100% risk free retirement then you will never have enough. You need to keep adding margins to cover living longer, investment losses, inflation risk, the risk of taxes going astronomically high, the risk that Godzilla tramples your house etc etc etc.

That’s my point exactly. And he’s not even the worst of the risk averse nits on there. I think it’s perfectly possible to have this type of mental problem and still be able to correctly identify if you are “rich” or not.

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