The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

Homeland Security should be broken up.

But, w/e, this Romanian Jewish Cuban American guy was a Homeland Security guy from the Obama admin and is the best we could hope for out of Biden.

What a victory for all the Central American campesinos crossing the border that a white guy who grew up in Beverly Hills after spending his first few months of life in Cuba will be deciding their fates.



Look, I want Biden to succeed just like the rest of you all, but can we get some public appearances that don’t look like the opening shots of an ISIS hostage video? Maybe do these outside or something?


If it’s just more of the same I don’t think I do. Mostly in congress actually, I got no beef with Biden, they’re at least attempting to reach out to progressives. But if the house and senate continue on this is all the progressives faults cuz now they call us mean socialists like they fucking weren’t doing that to Obama and Hillary, then I hope they lose 40 seats in the house and all their senate races and the fucking party implodes and we can ACTUALLY build back better because I’m fucking sick of these ghouls.

Assuming Biden genuinely tries to reach out to progressives, I hope he succeeds, if not I hope he fails.

I don’t think centrists understand this. We aren’t going away so you can win. Like bitching about people wanting healthcare or less black people to be murdered by police and shit makes you vulnerable to attacks isn’t going to make those things go away.

So figure out how to be effective, learn to actually message against instead of bitching, or lose the progressive vote and just get absolutely dominated by the GOP and maybe they do end up putting some of you rich centrists fucks in prison.

I’m seriously going to tune out for a while after the inauguration. I know Biden will do lots of crappy annoying centrist DemE BS. I just need a break for a while.


That’s funny cause I was texting a buddy about it and told him “It’s a completely standard, boring presser. Isn’t it great?”


I’m not convinced about that for one second. We’re talking about the absolute biggest hypocrites imaginable. Yuuuuuge.

interesting detail on the choice of Ablinken. apparently he was the architect of Russia sanctions after 2014 annexation of Crimea. if you followed russian economy at all, the sanctions reversed every positive trend for kremlin, although some of it was certainly putin shooting himself in the junk with counter-sanctions.

anyway, kremlin tried to keep a straight face like they were unbothered with biden’s win, but something changed and foreign ministry got spooked after choice of Ablinken became apparent.



So this is where it’s now allowed to appoint somebody else, fire them, and then put whoever you want in as “acting” whatever?

Acting people cant really so much and are very limited.

Vindman is a legit hero. These people are cartoon villains.


i know there’s a dozen reasons for warren not to be treasury, and she’ll never take anything less, but she could potentially be donor class’ worst nightmare as head of irs.

Warren as the donor class’ nightmare, don’t make me laugh. She lied about taking SuperPAC support only to turn it around and take 15 million bucks from a rich political operative who once saw fit to donate to Nazi Joe Arpaio.

Anyone who still thinks she gives two shits about the donor class or big money in politics is a baby

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I’m sure she has a good suggestion for who would be a good appointment.

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Better a baby than an antisocial ■■■■ with one take that I constantly recycle, I guess.


Donor class are going to be richer than ever under Biden/Yellen.

It’s a shame that posters on this board are so thick that they still think Warren is a friend of the working man. Sorry that facts disturb you, Ian Miles


Please list all of the friends of the working man in Congress.