The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

c-word itt

is this supposed to be some sort of own? basically no one.

Well then the solution to that is definitely to keep ripping people here for supporting ~the best we’ve got in high level office.

Honestly the Biden transition feels like the Christmases I spent lobbying my parents and everyone around me for a specific gift. Huge excitement opening the present and then it turns out to be:


And a few days later I realize it is total shit and I am back down to earth.




Why isn’t Warren the friend of the working man? Not an expert on her, but wasn’t her academic work on the ways bankruptcy law screws over working families? Why did the Republicans prevent her from becoming the first head of the CFPB? Seems you are judging her only on her bad moves in the last primary.




She’s a friend of the working class who got her heart set on being president, sold out to try to do so and failed. It remains to be seen who’s friend she is going forward.


I dunno. Find me a tweet from any of Trump’s NSAs that’s as detailed or nuanced about someplace that isn’t Russia or China and I might agree.

I mean every one of Biden’s picks is going to be light years ahead of Trump’s. But none of us wanted Biden to be the nominee, so most of his picks are going to be meh at best for most of us.

We knew we were getting high level competency as a baseline, that’s a relief vs the last four years but that doesn’t mean I’m going to be super excited about most of the picks.

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I’m only happy with this one because he seems to be the only one younger than 55

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I say pass on her. Michael Morell’s name has also been floated for various positions. Hard pass on him.

Did anybody expect something that wasn’t a bunch of Obama retreads and other establishment tools?

I really do wonder what Watevs would have done if Bernie was the dem nominee. I suspect he would have found a way to still not vote for the dem nominee for president because Bernie is clearly a secret corporate shill or whatever because of that one time he something something gun rights or something.


I think we all knew. It doesn’t mean it doesn’t suck when it comes to pass. I mean I get Skydiver’s point that they are much more competent than Trump’s cabinet. I’m not sure how good that is though when most of their worldview and goals don’t align with most of mine.

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Criticize identity politics all you want, but I feel SEEN.


Lol same. My Dad (divorced from my mom) is kind of an orphan in KC, so my Mom’s family invites him to stuff as do another big family he knows.

I usually go to the Christmas Day party at the other big family’s place with him. He always insists on leaving his place with like 30 minutes wiggle room before the official party start time. So we show up as the first guests while they’re still setting up, not even part of the family.

It’s so awkward, and always seems to surprise him that no one else is there yet. I keep trying to nudge him into showing up later. But the thought of showing 1 minute after the official start time stresses him out too much - like that would somehow be rude.

Both my parents do the same stuff with restaurants, like make reservations for 5pm. Then we walk in literally as the only guests in the place - and they still proudly walk up to the host desk to proclaim their reservation - which embarrasses me way more than it should for some reason. And somehow only THEN do they seem to look around and realize the reservation was completely unnecessary. I think I’d rather just having to go somewhere else than make a reservation at an empty restaurant.


10 minutes early is already late for my mom.

I think it’s really/mostly anxiety. You’re not just going to convince people that it’s not great to be so early.


I can’t imagine how early you have to leave in LA to make sure you’re always on time no matter what happens.

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how does showing up early to the airport ensure you get overhead space? that sounds like how someone who never flies thinks airplanes work