The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

anyway, if I get through security before I get the “your flight is boarding” notification on my phone I feel like I’ve wasted a lot of time.

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I hope you guys offer to help set up when you get there early. That would make it less awkward and do some good.

Truly, only a Biden-Milano administration can heal our wounded nation.

She almost certainly flies business class every where too so its doubly stupid.

For me this depends on the airport. Several airports have decent food and drink options so my and Mrs. Mosdef often will go early and plan to have an hour to kill and we’ll get coffee and plan to do some work or something. This seems to be more pleasant than rushing to a gate.

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I’m guessing she still hates Bernie supporters with a passion while extending an olive branch to trump supporters?


It’s crazy that Bernie supporters are even more grievance-driven than Trump stans.


HUGE difference in the merits of their grievances though.

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Meanwhile Milano’s comments are a bunch of conservatives telling her to fuck off because she’s been a hateful, accusatory person for four years who doesn’t get to make such an offer. Only they can when they see fit because they’re good and she’s bad.

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I’d bet 90% of the time I am the first person on my plane to go through security. I love sitting in the lounge watching planes.

Think how cold the food is gonna get, Joe.



Here’s the petition:

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now this I get, though usually the planewatching is better landside in my experience. there are a few exceptions but most lounges have shitty views IME.

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I live in a place that is below freezing like 7 months of the year. :grinning:

Is this the official biden thread? If so, I must say I’m quite happy to see Americans discuss showing up too early at various events in said thread.


To be early is to be on time.

To be on time is to be late.

And to be late, you may as well not show up.

Ok, I’m going to be late to your funeral

Sounds like you’ll be the first to arrive