The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

Eff that noise, no pick is a huge win unless they’re committed to dismantling ICE


So just people who live in a fictional world then?

lol being happy for ridiculous identity politics. Having a Cuban refugee as the head of DHS is a win because they are Latin lol

The Vietnamese refugee at the head of ICE has made things so much better for current refugees I’m sure


Yeah, if all you know about the person is that they’re Cuban, I don’t know that it’s much cause for celebration. If I’m not mistaken, Cubans specifically went yuuge for Trump.

What little I know about this specific dude seems positive, tho.

Should we settle for a small win (not sure if this pick is that) or hold out for a huge win?

The fictional world of… America pre-2003? Has your worldview shifted so much that you think the W era was normal? I remember living in a world where we didn’t have ICE, it was definitely a real thing. Abolishing ICE has to be one of the left’s top priorities.

If you were thinking Biden was appointing someone who was going to abolish ICE I’m not sure what to say.

I’m thinking the election is over, there’s no reason to settle for fascist bullshit from the Dems.


Here’s Bliken writing (with a co-author) about what US foreign policy should be. It’s from Jan 2019, but it’s a piece about ideology for the most part.

Worst bits are this about Syria:

Yet force can be a necessary adjunct to effective diplomacy. In Syria, we rightly sought to avoid another Iraq by not doing too much, but we made the opposite error of doing too little. Without bringing appropriate power to bear, no peace could be negotiated, much less imposed. Today we see the consequences, in hundreds of thousands of civilians dead, in millions of refugees who have destabilized Europe and in the growing influence of Russia, Iran and Hezbollah. If the retreat from Syria announced by Trump proceeds, we will likely see the return of the Islamic State as well.

I think the call to stay isn’t half as daft as thinking that the better course of action was more US military engagement.

And then when he addresses the global refugee crisis but after a few paragraphs decides that:

The answer is not throwing aid at problems; we need to tie our increased investments to genuine reforms in governance, policing, judicial systems and the economy while combating corruption. We also need to bolster our neighbors’ economies by trading with them, just as we did in Europe after World War II.

And that’s just about El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. So standard US meddling in Latin America, which has been a constant for god knows how long.


Yeah, the rest of the world really needs to emulate the US in these areas. Imagine 200 little americas with American style policing, judiciary and lack of corruption. What a paradise that would be.




Dementia Joe obviously thought he was getting Abe Lincoln as SOS so now we’re stuck with A. Blinken, great.


Or Joe heard the guys hits on Spotify and liked his guitar riff

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Sure wish they were as organized at winning elections as they are at spoils collection.


Fucking great. Not only is it horrible to get more involved in the middle east because it always works out horribly for them, but it will be extremely unpopular. Edems being so war hawkish is also one of the big reasons for Trump, people are absolutely tired of this shit.

That was one of Trumps redeeming qualities and something the shitheads could point to that he WAS better at. Biden ramps up involvement in the middle east it will be a massive disaster.

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Eh. Trump basically did everything possible to start a war with Iran. A war too real for anyone to want


I know, he wasn’t really better, but he appeared better and constantly talked about being anti war, trying to pull our troops out of places, and it was incredibly popular.

I’m aware he was probably talked out of starting a lot of insane wars, Venezuela was one IIRC. Still Trump was great at recognizing people are tired of it and played up to it and at the end of the day he didn’t start any new wars.

If EDems were even remotely smart they would recognize how popular that was and ACTUALLY do it. They didn’t before because they were worried Republicans could call them cowards, hate the military, unpatriotic etc. Now Republican attacks won’t stick, nobody will take any of their attacks seriously anymore, and their own god king talked about it. So moderates and swing voters won’t be falling for that shit.

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Yes but Donnie Dumb Dumb’s instincts to crudely extract value from every situation like its a one time transaction actually led to him stupidly falling ass backwards into the right conclusions about some foreign entanglements. “What are we getting for this” is probably something people should ask more when it comes to the military. Trump’s brain is a drug addled mushy broken clock that is right twice a day.


I’m not sure it’s even that kind of transactional ‘winning’, it’s just anti-Obama, drain-the-swamp mindless contrarianism. So the exact same ‘thinking’ produced leave Afghanistan/Iraq/Syria, talk to North Korea and blow up the Iran deal.

It’s a testament to the complacent terribleness of mainstream US foreign policy that just saying “Boo, do the opposite!!” can be popular and vaguely sensible so often.

(Should add I don’t think all of those are sensible, the Iran stuff is horrendous.)