The Television Streaming Thread: Part III

Shogun has some master quotes in it

Fate is like a sword, only good to those who wield it

Death is beautiful? Death is a trip down a trail in a dark forest.


If there are any PBS dorks out there, Iā€™m liking Wolf Hall so far. Itā€™s like The Tudors but less sexy.

Finished Shogun.

I give it a 9/10 for a particular kind of show. The show doesnā€™t hold your hand either cinematographically or plot wise. Thereā€™s no telegraphing shots that make it obvious whatā€™s going on, and no repetitive exposition to hammer home what is happening, and of course itā€™s all in Japanese so you canā€™t just listen to it

All this makes it harder to be entertained, because youā€™re doing a lot of work, but once you get locked in itā€™s really really good. Anna Sawai give a top tier performance, like outstanding, but everyone is really really good.

I read some article about how the show is really Maikoā€™s story and not Blackthorneā€™s like that was some kind of revelation. The show, at least in my mind, has always centered the Japanese characters, especially Maiko. For nearly the entire series Blackthorne is portrayed as a buffoon, and is semi inconsequential. He gets no dramatic hero shots, the plan doesnā€™t come down to him, and he really is an ancillary character.

All the things I mentioned at the start makes it hard to recommend to a random person, but they all pay off in the acting and the story in a way that really beats out almost everything else.


if you read the book or watched the 1980s miniseries you would almost certainly go in thinking that this version would, like those, center on the white guy

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I would say that the ending of Shogun (the novel) makes it clear whose story it actually is.

Neither Mariko nor Blackthorne.

He was basically a plot device and/or our eyes trying to understand the world around us.

I would argue that his hero moment was offering to second her.

Finally caught up on this. Pretty weird.

I just watched it too. My wife and I were just like ā€œah, there it is.ā€

Anyone watch the Tom Brady roast on Netflix? I am about a third of the way through. Some good some bad.

Iā€™m halfway through (three hours wtf) and having the same reaction. Iā€™m interested enough to watch the rest. Some of it is funny, but itā€™s also interesting to see what happens when you get Drew Bledsoe etc to do comedy.

Honestly I give Brady credit, nobody is holding anything back and heā€™s a real trooper. Pretty crazy that he not only is OK with this but actively encouraged it. I think he just doesnā€™t have a very deep thought life so itā€™s hard to offend him. Speaking of not much going on upstairs, lol Gronk.


Following up on this, I said this like a criticism, but if heā€™s really like ā€œmy life is great, who cares what anybody saysā€ then I am truly envious and perhaps should start the TB24 program. My life is also pretty great (not Tom Brady great obviously, but pretty great) and Iā€™m up my own ass, a lot. Kudos to him.


Rewatched True Detective S1 as I hadnā€™t seen it since it came out and that is one of the best seasons of TV ever imo. Rustin Cohle GOAT.


We watched it last night. There were some really good segmentsā€¦ and yea, some painfully bad ones. As a pats fan I have a love/hate relationship with Brady. He definitely comes off as a smug douche in his close.

Gronk was so hilariously bad that I couldnā€™t watch, I actually had to cover my eyes. The rest of the athletes were OK. Unsurprisingly the actual comedians killed it.

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Are we 100% sure though that Sugar is an alien? At this point this could still be e.g. a Sandman crossover; him speaking that many languages would fit to that. However; I would bet on alien, too.

Edit: Ok I rewatched the polyglott society meeting. Itā€™s aliens.

How are you sure from that scene.

Iā€™m mostly sure from media after the episode.

The whole thing with that the real mission was just observing, also Ruby has some means to contact ā€œthemā€. And would bet Sugar got to be a movie enthusiast watching movies on the spaceship; and itā€™s classical movies because of time dilatation or stuff.

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Anyone know what American Rust Broken Justice is?

Other than Tom and Bert. They were garbage.

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Finished the roast last night. I am surprised by the number of people who just absolutely blew past the line of political correctness. I know itā€™s a roast, but WOW did some people say some amazingly offensive stuff.

Is that the first roast you watched?