The Television Streaming Thread: Part III

It’s been 8 years of grooming since I first met my wife, but i think she’s finally ready. This weekend I’m introducing her to my very special kink.




You DID mention it in the last thread, but it was the only post about the second half of s2 which I found a bit weird, given how popular s1 was. And imo s2 isn’t worse. It’s different since the cat is out of the bag of course.

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Ive taken two runs at starting deadwood and just couldn’t get into it.

Convince me?



It’s a bit slow to get going iirc (it’s been a while), so you need to give it a few episodes. Perhaps others can say how many. I forget.

For me it’s just the absolutely awesome characters, actors and dialogue. It feels incredibly real, with perhaps one of the best performances of all time from Ian McShane as Al Swearengen. Rarely have I felt so engrossed in a setting. And it’s absolutely hilarious at times to boot.


Settle down ya hoople head.


Sugar ep6


Well we finally have an explanation. Certainly has been hinting around at supernatural or sci-fi or fight club so I guess alien shouldn’t be a big surprise but it still was for me. I was really leaning fight club or maybe voodoo or some kind of Bourne programming. Let’s see where this goes from here

how is he only 61? I used to watch his late night show when i was a kid in the early 90’s. I guess he was only 30 back then.




There have been very few pieces of media that blew my mind the way that Pantheon just did.

Its art. Im so glad I got to see the end. It isnt perfect, but I think thats good. Art shouldn’t be perfect.

I remember seeing Van Gogh’s self portrait in Chicago. Its an incredible piece of art, the textures standing out and hitting the eye in a way Ive never experienced with a physical piece of art, but it isnt perfect. You can see the imperfections when youre right up close to it.

Much like the ending to The Curse, this ending will stick with me for a long time.

If you have the ability, I recommend checking it out. 16 hours of a really wonderful story that touches on some huge themes.

If you need help deciding, this video by Johnny 2 Cellos makes the case for why you should watch season 1. You wont want to stop after that.


She handled it better than I predicted. It helped that she sort of saw it coming - as soon as Jane starts using again it’s not a huge leap to think she won’t be long for the world. Walt comes off less monstrous in the moment than I remembered - he clearly makes the conscious decision to let Jane die, but it could have been played as far more calculated/sinister.

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Yeah Cranston does a great job of making that moment feel less evil than it was. He says that he envisioned the dying girl as his own daughter so it really softened his emotions in the scene.

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The next season aftermath was worse imo.

He took a nap in full-makeup in his trailer, and when awakening he saw his reflection and scared himself.


Can’t seem to stream it in the states. I think its just on Directv. (Thanks for the rec, I’ll add it to my list.)

Yeah, I forgot to mention, AMC killed it completely as a tax write off. Its “only” obtainable through Australian Prime video, so if you have a VPN that actually allows you to stream different country’s content, thats a way around it. There are also other options.

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Binged Fallout. Overall it was fine or good, 6.5/10 maybe. Some things annoyed me greatly though, like the whole 6th episode where they did a ~150 degree genre change for an episode. I’m sure it makes more sense if you’re familiar with the source material, but man it was jarring and annoying.

Also, while I liked the last episode overall, with the reveals/tie-ins to explain what was actually going on, it annoyed me how Max in one scene heroically sacrifices himself so that his love can escape with the head, and then a scene and a half later is like “oh yeah actually they’re over there”. I get it’s necessary to set up the last act, but they’re trying to have their cake and eat it too imo. Either be the changed hero selflessly choosing the girl over your own life, or don’t.

I dunno.

I think that’s why he’s so interesting.

Like he’s a complete broken man child with the the possibility of heroics and real evil.

As soon as he was back in his cult, he was completely under their spell again.

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Was he though? Like, I’m not saying you’re wrong at all, but that’s definitely not how I felt the situation play out.

Like, he was seconds away from being executed, and thus he said whatever he could think of to save himself; the location of the head. No?