The Television Streaming Thread: Part III

Starting ep 5 and I am going to retract my earlier complaints about the acting. Maybe I’m getting used to it or maybe it’s just the fact it was the pilot but it doesn’t bother me anymore.

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Thing to keep in mind with the original Twin Peaks is that it is a legitimate 80s-90s nighttime soap, not a cable prestige drama. There is some TV satire in there (some of the weakest parts of the show I think), like the in show soap opera, but a lot of the seemingly weird tonal stuff is really played straight for the format. IMO it is as closely related to something like Fantasy Island then the 2017 Twin Peaks. And that is not a criticism. I think you can make a strong case for it being the best TV show ever.


I didn’t watch it in it’s original run, but I remember it being something people talked about, like “what’s going to happen next on Twin Peaks?”

It breaks my heart that I didn’t watch it when it aired - a lot of people told me I would love it at the time and I didn’t listen. It is a genuine achievement, and despite what I say above it really is the first prestige drama. Before TP soap operas were the most universally maligned genre of art, something you wouldn’t publicly admit to watching, and it showed that you really could tell a linear world-building story in a creative and thoughtful way. Problem was in the pre-streaming/Netflix era there was no way to break into the series and if you missed an episode you had to wait six months till it came on again. So they had a smaller audience for each successive episode (there were other problems as well). That said, I can’t imagine what it was like to watch the show at the time. The last episode in particular is breathtaking; unimaginable that millions of people were watching Northern Exposure instead!

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I loved northern exposure. Loved twin peaks too. Amazing two of the weirdest shows to ever air on network tv were in the early 90s.

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Ya and that’s why I’ve never watched it. I never made it through the pilot(I know I had one honest attempt at least) until last night and it just seemed way too campy/crappy 80s tv for me to bother with.

Once you get past that hangup though it’s been a fun watch. Seeing the little person who was in Carnivale was a nice surprise


Fair enough. For what it is worth I actually think Fantasy Island was also pretty good. Worth watching a couple of episodes sometime if you are stoned and bored

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Anyone watched Suburra? I have been trying out a lot of foreign language stuff lately since my unwatched catalog is running on fumes and I really liked it. Basically an Italian gangster/corrupt government/Vatican show. It is 3 seasons and I knocked it out in like 4 days a few months back. the 7.9 on imdb is probably fair imo. It’s a very good but falls short of great show. I just really love that particular genre so for me I’d probably rank it a bit higher.

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I have seen it. It’s quite good. Definitely keeps you entertained. I’d say about as good as Ozark, which I liked, but I think had clear flaws

Probably agree its in about that same tier.

Watched the first two episodes of 3 Body Problem. Pretty interesting so far. I’ve also been on the wait list for the book at my library for weeks.

I originally tried to read the novel and then gave up, but watching the Netflix show inspired me to give the book another try and am so glad I did.

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Another seven weeks for me before a copy will be available. I appreciate the discussion! Haven’t been excited to read a book in a while.

I enjoyed it.

My only concern was I couldn’t really cheer for any of the characters.

Spoilers on both SuperCell and Amo.

For those who haven’t seen it. Amo is a high budget Netflix show set in Duterte’s drug war. It’s been (rightly) accused of being apologia for the drug war, but it’s worth a watch nonetheless.

both have scenes were women die in really tragic, awful circumstances. I’m just getting tired of women’s suffering being shown on scene to advance plot points for mine characters. It feels off.

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Fair enough. The main characters were all pretty interesting I thought at least and I liked the ending. There is a spinoff but I haven’t watched it yet.

I mean. It’s one thing that made Sopranos so good. They were all consistently horrific people, but somehow still likeable.

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Ha, my spot in line just came up this morning. I was hoping it would take longer so I could finish the show first. Well, I’ll see if I have time to read in the next few weeks.

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Do you think it’s the kind of show that should be seen before reading the book?

I haven’t read it yet, so who knows

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