The Television Streaming Thread: Part III

It took all that for them to realize they were the joke. At level 10 obviousness they still not get it.

Had to turn it up to 11.


Didn’t expect to see head_explode.gif in Presumed Innocent

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I stopped watching The Boys midway through Season 3 (I think: the one with Captain America?) because it was just constantly too bleak/cruel. Lmk if that take was a mistake based on the new season.

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If that’s why you stopped then you made a good call.

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I kept seeing you all post about industry way back. Finally starting it and S2E1 with all the covid shit is very triggering for some reason. I don’t want to watch these characters that i like quite a bit grapple with COVID. It sucked plenty living it.

Does the focus change in s2 after the first ep?

I agree with your general criticism, but I think one problem is that they are basing it on published source material. Generally if it happened in the book, when it’s made into a show, it happens in the show. I really have no idea which of these sloppy plot points was original to the show and which were in the book, so they had to follow through. But I’m pretty confident at least some were in that latter group.

I don’t remember it that well, but I’d say the focus isn’t really on it for most of the season. IIRC, most of the season takes place immediately post COVID. So COVID having happened is something they need to account for in the script, but I would not say that it was a major focus.

Thank you for the response. I think the show is flawed in ways but does a great job making you root in different ways for damn near every character. I think the 7.2 imdb is kinda harsh. It isn’t great but it’s better than most.

Also as someone who doesn’t watch stuff for nudity and sex scenes the sex scenes in this are hot as shit for some reason.

Actually was assuming it got canceled but it looks like S3 starts in a little over a month.

Yeah that’s crazy, it was an enjoyable watch with some very good performances.

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This shocked me. When I finished S2 I was like well, good series. Then I saw S3 announced and was like oh fuck yeah

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American Nightmare is insane. I think I remember a thread on 2+2 about it from way back but couldn’t find it.


Its so fucking odd, and holy shit the Vallejo police come off as the most incompetent force of all time.

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Uvalde on line 2.

It really shows how useless most cops are and how bad people are at changing their minds once they have it made up.


Prime gave me a renewed 30 day trial, so I caught up on The Boys. Very pleased with the new season so far.

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I’m enjoying it but found it a little too much with the American RWNJ stuff. Directly referencing Jewish Space Laser and Homelander warning about transgenders to rich people. Although I loved them calling him on it as "leave the boogey men to the plebs

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I hear you. I have found it to be heavy handed with mocking both sides of the aisle since the beginning so didn’t have a problem with any of that this season.

One thing I don’t like so far is the distinction between what powers you get from temp V vs permanent V. I thought the conflict for Butcher this season would be whether to take permanent V to cure himself, and that if he did he would become a permanent version of Homelander’s powers.

I also think the amount of butt jokes and shots of assholes is too damn high.

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There probably aren’t many actors more suited to just slot into SNL sketches like this one than Nic Cage.

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Funny skit. Did he put his hand on Julia Sweeney’s breast? Lol