The Television Streaming Thread: Part III

Her not winning for Tar is such a joke. And is probably driving my opinion that she’s still not given proper love. What an all-timer of a performance.


These are all super firm blind spots for me. Winslet is a very good comparison

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I looked at her IMDB and I’ve seen a very small number of those movies (single digits). Aviator is probably one i should remember but that was 15+ years ago.

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That’s a good movie

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It’s fun to grapple with the fact that the Roy family’s primary rival in Succession once died in a freak gasoline fight accident.


Working me through The Bear S3 and I have to admit pretty much every episode just makes me feel anxious as hell. It’s like the scene in Chernobyl where the guys are going into the radiation water and their rad meters are going increasingly nuts. It’s great but damn it makes you literally feel the stress and anxiety of the characters which is real and palpable.

Also S3E6 is a real standout to me.

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Just finished Ice Chips. Episode 8.

God damn. One of the best things on TV. Jamie Lee Curtis… Masterclass

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Started the bear season three. So far just watched episode one and wow this is easily the best show on tv. Stunning first episode. The balls of making an episode like this!

It’s not mentioned enough but this shows cinematography is elite. Among the best ever on tv and rivalling some of the best films. So many frames could be hung on a wall as art.


Finished Shogun. Questions:

  1. Why does Mariko’s death require Ishido to release all of the hostages? Norms? Even when Ishido plans the attack at night, he is still not trying to kill her. And why does Mariko’s death cause Ochiba to stop supporting Ishido?

  2. At the very beginning, Ishido tells Toranaga that he needs to return someone to Osaka. Who is that person? Why are they supposed to be in Osaka?

  3. Does Blackthorne eventually make it back to England or is that part just a dream?

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  1. It wasn’t Mariko’s death that triggers release of hostages. She asks to be allowed to leave to fulfill the orders of her lord, Toranaga, but is denied. When she can’t fulfill Toranaga’s wishes, she feels she’s failed her lord so requests to commit seppuku out of shame. Ishido can’t have a high profile woman committing seppuku in public, so he relents and allows her to be released. Once Mariko is granted her release, the other hostages can then ask for their release, and it will be granted, b/c it would be an insult for Mariko to be released but not others.
  2. Ochiba (the heir’s mother) is visiting her sister (Toranaga’s daughter-in-law) while the latter is in labor. Ishido can’t risk doing anything to Toranaga until she is back safely in his territory.
  3. In the dream, Blackthorne is holding a cross in England. In real life, he releases that cross into the sea, symbolically eliminating the possibility of returning to England.

Thanks. This is the part I don’t understand:

Why not? Seems like it’s just norms?

My guess would be that alliances are fragile, and some of the other factions witnessing a high profile Toranaga member killing themselves in public rather than simply allowing them to leave would be pretty F’d up and might cause sympathy towards Toranaga.

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Thanks. How about this one

In the series they go to great lengths to show Mariko and Ochiba’s friendship from an early age.
In the book, Ochiba is wavering on a knife’s edge as to who to support so anything could tip her either way.
Mariko’s death is the last straw for her, and it’s seen as Ishido’s fault, and so she cuts ties with Ishido.

If she didn’t want Mariko dead, it seems like she could have intervened earlier and stopped it herself. Seems like she was powerful enough. Unless he gave the order to spare her and Ishido ignored it. Is that what happened?

Ishido is a bit of a dunce and backed into a lose-lose (Mariko seppuku or hostages being allowed to leave).
So he throws a bit of a hail mary by attempting to kidnap Mariko (he doesn’t want to kill her I don’t think) with ninjas. The ninjas are important b/c they’re technically not Ishido’s forces, so he can claim he didn’t kidnap Mariko. Her being kidnapped could also be a way to say “see? you all are safer here than being allowed to leave”.
Not the greatest plan, but he doesn’t have a ton of options.
Ochiba wouldn’t have known what was going on to prevent it.

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In the book, at the very end we find that Toranaga is the puppet master pulling everyone’s strings, including Blackthorne’s. He affirms, in his own mind, that he will allow Blackthorne to build a new ship and then cause that one burn down again too. And any number after that. He has no intention of ever allowing him to leave Japan.


House of the Dragon ep 4

Entertaining episode just b/c there was finally a bit of action, but I can’t still can’t shake the feeling that everying seems like a 10-year old is writing it.

There’s little rhyme nor reason behind the actions of anyone, little of the political intrigue, no clever maneuvering, etc. Everyone is just mashing buttons.

Vhagar (Aemond’s dragon), is their big weapon, and without him they’re pretty much boned. So to risk him like this would be incredibly foolish. Luckily, the other side is even dumber in that they’re operating under the odd assumption that they’ll be the only ones using a dragon in the war. So they essentially sacrifice Rhaenys and Meleys b/c they’re too foolish to have the rest of their dragons on standby if the other side uses theirs. The blacks could’ve pretty much crippled the greens right there by using all their dragons to team up on Vhagar.

I loved S1, but this season has been awful from a writing perspective. It will be popular just b/c of dragons and action sequences, but everything is just killing off random characters/dragons without any logic or reason just for the sake of being shocking and advancing the paper thin plot.


I’m enjoying The Boys, but I’m going to be honest about something with the current season:

Getting a little tired of all the old “ha ha, holy shit MAGA is crazy” Twitter jokes. Jewish Space Lasers! Wow that’s still so funny in 2024! You don’t have to be SO on the nose all the time.