The Television Streaming Thread: Part III

Well, now youve seen his penis. Congrats!

Just discovered I have access to The Bear and watched the first episode. So far so good!


I’d love to meet a dude who used that same line on his wife and didn’t wind up divorced, dead or both.

The Bear is highly overrated, imo. However, it is still quite good. Perhaps not quite as good as everyone seems to think, but still a worthwhile watch.

This is quite the spicy take! You did say it was iyo though.

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Heard a good one. Guy was asked what the secret was to a long marriage with 50th anniversary approaching.

“I took my wife to China for our 25th anniversary, next week I’m going back to pick her up.”

I absolutely love the MAGA whiplash on The Boys. Right into my veins.


I don’t understand how it wasn’t obvious to them back in season 1, but I guess they’re oblivious idiots. Like were they rooting for Homelander that whole time or something? How can “Homelander” and “Stormfront” not be completely fucking obvious?!


Seems like it.

Not hard to believe that fascism could come to America when a not insignificant portion of viewers are like “This Homelander guy seems like he has some good ideas”


I’ve never seen The Boys, but I feel like I’ve been hearing stories about MAGA learning that the series is about them for 3 seasons now.


I only got into early S2 before tapping out, but it’s surreal to me that anyone could miss that Homelander was explicitly a villain from really early on. It’s not like it was just over-the-top satire; it seemed like the central trait of the character was his duplicity. This was messaged to the audience really clearly with what I would consider to be zero room for ambiguity.

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Presumed Innocent on Apple is solid so far. Jake Gyllenhaal is a Chief Deputy DA (or whatever), whose colleague is murdered. Turns out (this isn’t a spoiler - comes up almost immediately) he had an affair with her and now he’s the prime suspect. Two episodes have dropped.

Nothing out of the ordinary so far, but still quite compelling. It’s a crime drama. But everyone’s performances are fantastic and Gyllenhaal is phenomenal at already getting us to see that he is likely a good guy who did something bad (cheated on his wife) and now he’s panicked at his life unraveling within days.

Quantum Leap got cancelled after two seasons. I haven’t been into many network shows in several years - paid services have the best stuff - my wife and I really enjoyed it. They did a good job of making it a sequel of sorts to the original while also giving it its own life. Wasn’t a “must watch” show, but it was actually a network series I looked forward to watching each week.

I just find it weird that Gyllenhaal’s year is being spent on these remakes, between Road House and now Presumed Innocent (previously a Harrison Ford film).

He was on Howard Stern and IIRC, he said Road House was one of his all-time favorite movies, one of those flicks he watched a billion times when he was young. And he was close with Patrick Swayze and his wife, so it seems like he might have done it as a labor of love. I haven’t seen it, no idea if it’s good.

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He says what we’re all thinking!


I liked the first episode. Good performances and well-made. Kind of a nitpick, but they’re supposed to be prosecutors and sure seem to act a lot like detectives. But maybe I’m wrong and prosecutors actually do make lists of suspects and stuff.

It was not. I wanted to like it but meh

Hey that’s the TV trope.

Cop shows the cops solve the crimes

Lawyer shows the lawyers solve crimes

CSI shows the forensics scientists solve crimes

Medical examiner shows the ME solves crimes

Private detectives…


Math guys (Numbers)…

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