The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

I strongly agree. Maybe S5 will get better but so far it seems pretty bad.

Recently watched S4 for the first time and while it seemed to have less funny quirky characters than previous Fargo seasons, it was compelling television with a thoughtful take on the history of US immigration. Rock’s character being almost completely straight/serious was an interesting choice.

But maybe my opinion shouldn’t count for much because i think on my original watch I didnt realize the 2 brothers from S3 were played by the same actor.

Havent seen many opinions but for me its

The acting in S2 is just so top notch.

Glad that the Ringer got the message that they were not allowed to stop podcasting about The Curse.

It’s Sean Fennessey and Joanna Robinson again, and their convos about this have been more interesting than the initial show with Sean and Bill Simmons, so I’m good with them just taking it from here if that’s what happens.

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There is some pretty incredible footage in the new WW2 doc series that just dropped, narrated by John Boyega. Strong recommend if you have even a passing interest in WW2.

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Fargo question

Can someone explain what the deal was with the flashback to the 1500s

Cora’s post as it has tv too. Curious to see others lists.

I’m enjoying Fargo S5 so far even if it does end up being the weakest season. I think I mostly agree with your rankings although I think S1 is still a notch above S4 and 3 for sure. My main complaint with S5 at the moment is it seems to be moving along kind of slow. I’m expecting it to take a weird turn here soon but they seem to be running short on episodes for them to do it. Like, we’re almost halfway through the season and so far all we’ve got is She’s his wife, got away, and now they’ve had two failed attempts to kidnap her back. And you pissed off one of the kidnappers you hired and now he’s after you. That feels like 2 episodes.
Not 4.

Seems to be some sort of backstory on Munch as possibly possessed by some supernatural being. My guess is it’s mostly just a tease at some sort of paranormal activity, which Fargo likes to sprinkle in but not really explain or make a key plot point of.

Really enjoyed the latest episode of The Curse. No big surprise that the first episode to really focus fully on the best actor of the cast is also the best episode so far, but there was also considerably more laugh out loud funny moments this episode than the others.

The “actor” guy touring the house suddenly breaking into song for the cameras and the long hold on him doing so made me have to pause the episode for a bit. Its such a good part of the episode.

Stone’s performance is phenomenal. I actively dislike her character, even through her natural charisma and likeability. That isnt easy to pull off. The scene in the car with her parents where she goes full blown spoiled brat, as well as the final scene where she cold shoulders Nathan who had the audacity to push her into meeting a guy she disliked even though he is the clear best person to buy the house had me seething, and I dont even like Nathan’s character. Dean Cain as the Back the Blue redneck who alao fully supports the tribes rights and land claims was a brilliant subversion and really shows how Stone’s character is your garden variety hypocrite.

Beautiful episode as well. Nathan directed and it had some of the best shots of the series.

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Episodes like this show why I was so adamant about patience being a virtue for the series as a whole. Trusting people who have earned our trust to create a solid narrative seems like the best way to go.


I’m with you there. Loved the latest episode and feel the show has my trust to take me on a ride with a good payoff.

I can’t believe they got Dean Cain lol. The one person in DC history on a mission to make sure he never plays Superman ever again.

I am curious how many of these scenes are adapted from actual experiences Nathan has had over the years. Something like Nathan For You could easily have street casting complications I can’t see when watching the show but would stand out if we knew. Also makes me watch other house hunter shows with a more discerning BS radar, even if I knew most of it was unscripted only as a format, not because the narrative wasn’t produced and constructed.

Because he did a poor job or did he say something stupid? I don’t think I ever watched an episode of his Supe show.

Just finished the first episode of Blue Eye Samurai. Goddamn, that was good. Excited to continue.


Nice would love to hear thoughts as you go along.


Back when Superman’s son in the comics came out as bisexual, he had a few things to say that indicate just how conservative he is.

“They said it’s a bold new direction, I say they’re bandwagoning,” the 55-year-old actor told Fox & Friends First on Tuesday. “Robin just came out as bi — who’s really shocked about that one? The new Captain America is gay. My daughter in [The CW series] Supergirl, where I played the father, was gay. So I don’t think it’s bold or brave or some crazy new direction. If they had done this 20 years ago, perhaps that would be bold or brave.

“Brave would be having him fighting for the rights of gay people in Iran where they’ll throw you off a building for the offense of being gay,” Cain continued. “They’re talking about having him fight climate change and the deportation of refugees, and he’s dating a hacktivist — whatever a hactivist is. Why don’t they have him fight the injustices that created the refugees whose deportation he’s protesting? That would be brave, I’d read that. Or fighting for the rights of women to attend school and have the ability to work and live and boys not to be raped by men under the new warm and fuzzy Taliban — that would be brave. There’s real evil in this world today, real corruption and government overreach, plenty of things to fight against. Human trafficking — real and actual slavery going on. … It’d be great to tackle those issues.”

This is a typical conservative debate tactic. Bypass discussing the merits of the thing in question by pointing to far more important things that deserve our attention, then say the real crime is to ignore those things in favor of something like bisexual representation from Superman’s son. The tactic puts the other person in the position of having to argue which is more important, but that’s just a losing game. They’re all important. We can move the needle through small and big actions.

For Cain, I think the saying goes: pay attention to what you pay attention to.

Should be noted he is a reserve police officer, serves on the board of the NRA, supported Rick Perry in 2012, and voted for Trump twice.

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S1 is the only one i havent rewatched recently so I might end up agreeing with you. I kinda liked the originality of the other seasons instead of riffing off the movie. But Billy Bob is amazing in everything he does and Watson from Sherlock is a great actor too.

And agree with you on S5. Fargo is usually kinda slow to start and builds the drama. But this season does seem to be dragging on more than building.

Imagine watching a show that gives Dean Cain a paycheck


I’m still mad they canceled the far superior Superboy with Gerard Christopher in order to greenlight his show.

It was modeled so closely after the Christopher Reeves Superman movies.

You know what’s brave?

Starting a war in Iran.

You know what’s brave?

20 more years of war in Afghanistan.

These are the brave truths that the mainstream media just can’t handle.

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They certainly gave me pause!

Thanks for the info, Risky. I didn’t know that about Cain although he isn’t an actor I follow closely at all. I don’t know I could name anything he was in post Superman.

Actually, not true. He had a short guest spot on B in Apartment 23. That’s a pretty good sitcom. Kristin Ritter is great in it.

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