The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

I’d take a sequel to Demon 79. Find out Oblivion is just a street in downtown Brooklyn :grin:

Sopranos S3 E11 Pine Barrens. Phenomenal TV. Favorite episode so far.


I thought S2 of The Bear was better than S1, which I absolutely loved. Outstanding. Can’t wait for more.


Geez, that’s a high bar. Much excited.

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I just cancelled Hulu this morning. I realized I hadn’t watched any original programming on it for at least a couple of months.

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Interested to hear what you and others think. I started it last night and finished it this morning. Couldn’t stop. I think The Bear is a really special show. What a delightful surprise.


Takes me back to one of UPs best drafts

The Bear:

I watched 5 eps on Thurs and finished it on Sat. One of the best seasons of tv I’ve ever seen.


To be honest, I actually can’t remember my first beer

I finished the first season of The Leftovers and I still don’t know what’s going on

Beyond the Sea

Josh Hartnett being in this made me think of it as a kind of remake of Pearl Harbor.

The Netflix episode description says 1969

You’re not missing anything, it’s just pretentious Lindelof bullshit. My gf and I stuck with it because the Metacritic ratings for S2 and especially S3 were a lot higher. The show did not improve and still consisted mostly of slow motion shots of people looking sad with piano music. I will say that the show finale was really good, but the journey there is not worth it.

I’m trying to remember what happened actually and I can’t remember any of it. It was amazingly forgettable.

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The Bear

I’ve never seen so much character growth be contained in the words

You wear a suit now?
Yes I wear a suit now.

I know Ep 6 gets the dramatic plaudits, but Ep 7 was the most entertaining for me, best episode.


The Bear S2 doesn’t premiere before Aug 2nd here, wtf. Weep for me brothers.


I feel the same way.

I thought the Copenhagen episode was also great but yeah, what you guys said about ep 7. Best of season and probably series.


This was my second favorite episode and it was actually because of what didn’t happen. Normally to get some drama you need some kind of friction and they set it up that it’s going to be him away from his mother. His mother would have some kind of problem and he’d have to decide between his mom and his work

But the other shoe never dropped. He goes to Copenhagen, he loves it and he learns, and he comes back. Almost no dramatic tension, but it’s a testament to the actors and show that it’s one of the best episodes. The shows does really good with balancing the joy of creation at work with the stress of work and the episode was just about the joy of learning and creating and it was great to watch it.

Show is definitely true to the character too. Marcus has been a phenom, but the tools he had at work with have held him back. Of course sending him on a trip where all he does is learn from the best at the best restaurants is going to be amazing for him.