The Television Streaming Thread: Now With Felonies

So The Wire is currently free on HBONow

I’m not even the biggest Wire fan. But I’m in on a The Wire discussion club where we watch one episode a day (weekday)


Good job me for Rewatching The Wire last week.

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They made the whole movie :eyes:


First pic from the Dune remake. Vanity Fair will put out an expansive preview set of images tomorrow.

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First Dune teaser pic. Not Arrakis. Beach. Vegetation.



Denis Villeneuve has my complete faith


Maybe that the very beginning and Prince Whatshisname hasn’t left his homeworld yet.

Wasn’t super into the books, but this could be good.

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I’ve never seen or read Dune so don’t have any expectations but he is top 3 working directors right now. I can’t wait for anything he does.

I think most people here already saw it.

It’d be interesting to meet up on Zoom during a watch party.

Didn’t even notice. I’m in if it’s early enough

I really enjoyed the wire but I am not one of those who puts it up as a top 5 show of all time. But still a very good show. And I am a big David Simon fan.

I remember going to the original Dune with my brother who was really into the books. I was bored out of my mind. I don’t know that I could ever overcome my lifelong bias to consume anything Dune.

I’ve read all the original Dune books twice, seen Lynch’s movie many times, both SciFi miniseries, the documentary about Jodorowsky’s unfilmed version, and even tried reading a couple of the books Herbert’s son wrote after his death (they were pretty bad).

I got mad nerd cred when it comes to Dune.


Okay but true Dune fans have seen Jodorowsky’s Dune. Agree?

Edit: goddamnit that pony came to town carrying spice

You can not pony me. I have weirding ways.

Now that’s something I’m dying to see reimagined.

oh shit the death of stalin is on netflix. we gotta party watch that shit, it’s a 6-bagger


I could be down.

Stalin will never be dead in my heart.




I feel like I started watching it at one point but never finished it. But that is an ongoing problem for me with content these days.

I definitely want to see it.

See it really good.