The Television Streaming Thread: Now With Felonies

Sleep with me.



He is hosting on, you guessed it, 4/20


I quit house of cards somewhere in season 1, spacey constantly addressing the audience made me mad

His Foghorn Leghorn impersonation is among the finest ever put to celluloid. A pity he turned out to be scum.

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As a Shakespeare dork, I thought this conceit worked very well. It’s a way to connect our world with the epic skullduggery of Shakespeare’s time.

The thing that killed House of Cards for me is realizing that politicos today don’t rise to power through Richard III-style machinations, they become powerful because they say a bunch of dumb racist shit on social media and idiots across America love it. Or they ballwash whatever illiterate gameshow host that comes to power. Closest thing you can find to Frank Underwood in today’s politics it Mitch McConnell.

House of Cards is the cynical mirror image of West Wing. They both fail because they both assume we are governed by extremely intelligent and competent people instead of idiotic reality TV demagogues and their failsons.

I dunno, we deserve a better class of supervillains, right? It’s one thing for Richard III to pillage the nation though his guile and craftiness, but Trump? No elaborate scheming, just constantly say a bunch of dumb racist shit on Twitter and you destroy America? Our nation’s downfall isn’t worthy of any Shakespearean treatment.


Did you see the final season? Thoughts if so?

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Didn’t see it. Lost interest for reasons that are far beyond the producer’s powers to control.

Still think seasons 1-3 were a great watch in the pre-Trump era.

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Ah, well I’ll get your thoughts next time then. Not sure I agree about S3. I thought they floundered hard trying to figure out how to continue what had been a clear two-season arc.

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SNL actually had a new episode this weekend. Parts of it were a bit rough, but it was familiar and comforting and I’m glad they tried to do something.

Gotta agree. It definitely feel as though it was dragged out. I mean the most important part happened towards the end of the episode and barely lasted a couple of minutes. The rest of it was just a lot of walking.

The zoom meeting sketch could have been soooo much better. Like this simple YouTube video was 10x better



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I mostly agree that there were motivational things that didn’t make sense, but on the bad guy choosing to run Jimmy down: I figured that it was probably still just the lone escaped guy as if he went back empty handed to his cartel he would be killed, so he was also a bit desperate and injured, and there was similarly a large element of ‘fuck it’ in his thinking.

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54 posts were split to a new topic: The Leftovers (with spoilers and 2% Twin Peaks)

One of the most interesting things about Schitt’s Creek is homosexuality is treated as a total non issue. No comments about it, no jokes, nothing. It’s treated exactly the same as heterosexuality.

I can’t think of another show or movie I’ve ever seen that does that.

I love it.


The ESPN Bulls doc is a week out, looks incredible

The Ringer is about to release a pod recapping every single wire episode


Master of None comes to mind.

I never saw this. I’ll add it to my list.

Might be up for another wire rewatch. I came to the wire late. I didn’t watch it until 3 or 4 years ago but have watched it all three times since then.