The Television Streaming Thread: Now With Felonies

Hey question to the gurus here: I liked Westworld S1 a lot!

S2 started off OK and then got kinda bad/hard to follow and since I was illegally DLing it I eventually just kinda lost interest.

Now I have HBO GO but where I am only S3 is available. I know there was one dissenter above, but am I pretty good just to read the S2 Wiki ep summaries and then dive into S3?

Also, side question, I might have missed it earlier but is ZeroZeroZero recommended? Could really use some @beetlejuice popcorn bag guidance.

I think s2e8 is worth watching. Itā€™s sort of a standalone episode that deals with a character that doesnā€™t get a lot of screen time in S1 (the ghost nation dude who Maeve has the recurring nightmares/memories about in S1).

If youā€™re looking for the best bang for your buck, Iā€™d watch episodes 1, 8, and 10 from season 2 and read some plot summaries for the others. Episode 1 sets the table and introduces our new reality for the season, and introduces some new ā€œmechanicsā€ regarding how the robots work. Episode 10 has all of the twists and whatnot (for better or worse), and sets the table for season 3.

If you DO elect to watch those, there is a post credits scene in episode 10 you wonā€™t want to miss.

Edit: i should add that I rewatched the whole series in preparation for S3 and, on rewatch, I didnā€™t mind S2 as much as I did the first time through. Itā€™s got some bright spots, just filled with a bunch of unnecessary argle bargle. The series as a whole suffers from bad dialogue and bad acting from a bunch of key players, and those things are amplified when the story also makes no god damn sense and loses the philosophical questions from S1.


^^^ Thatā€™s a reasonable plan. S2E8 is worth watching simply because itā€™s the best episode of the series. Also it explains a lot more than just the character itā€™s centered on. Thereā€™s so much filler throughout most of the other episodes I canā€™t really argue against catching up with summaries though. Previously it seemed like S2 wrapped itself up and S3 would start with all new plots, but after the first two episodes it looks like theyā€™re tying in a lot more S2 stuff than I expected so you donā€™t want to just skip it entirely.


Wow, thanks for this. I think youā€™ve convinced me to just go ahead and find a way to watch S2. Seems like if my expectations are low, Iā€™ll still enjoy it. And I know myself enough to know that Iā€™ll constantly be irritated during S3 wondering if I missed something really important.

Much appreciated!


Trying to watch as much Spanish language stuff as I can, Platform is right up my alley. Half hour in so far and Iā€™m liking it. Very much a classic sci-fi short story premise.

:100: :100: :100:

Holy shit is that a good episode. At some point, we should set up an illegal Party and watch it ITT.

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Iā€™ve been doing this for a couple years to aid with my move to Mexico. Thereā€™s so much great content on Netflix, fortunately. My all-time favorite series is Lady, Vendedora de Rosas, but I donā€™t think itā€™s on there anymore. Definitely check it out if you get the chance.

La Reina del Sur is great if youā€™re up for a cheesy trash telenovella.

Debated it, but donā€™t think Iā€™ll take the plunge. Too much other elite stuff, plus now Iā€™m trying to get my French back to a decent level so Iā€™m catching up on some of those series.

Right now Iā€™m watching Osmosis. Not great, but Iā€™m a sucker for Black Mirror-type stuff and itā€™s a pretty short season.

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2 episodes into Tiger King and this shit is crazy.

Binging the rest of Love is Blind. Everyone is now living together and L. O. L.

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Maybe I should try again. Quit in the middle of episode 2. DGAF about any of these people.

Wifeā€™s comment halfway through ep. 1: ā€œThese people are faking it. Letā€™s check how many instagram followers each have.ā€ The illusion was shattered and I couldnā€™t go back.

Uhohā€¦ I refuse to look

Doomsday Preppers

A couple prepares for food and supply shortages based on how quickly weā€™d lose functional access to supplies if the supply chain were disrupted

Thankfully they are nuts and such a thing would never happen :eyes:

+1 for Tiger King. Making us Okies proud.

Please tell me Iā€™m not the only one who thinks this.

There is absolutely no way that that singing voice is actually Joe Exotic. Its impossible right? Nobody has that much of a change from speaking voice to singing voice.

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The HBO documentary on fake news is awesome. It includes a nice segment of Jacob Wohl getting repeatedly dunked on at the press conference where he tried to frame Mueller.

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No idea but I am incapable of distinguishing good from bad country music. If you told me that guy was a country star I wouldnā€™t question it at all.

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grunching you alls seen The Platform? holy shit