The Television Streaming Thread: Now With Felonies

If anybody spoils anything for me I’ll personally install a dislike button and use it very promptly!


Ugh. BB was one of my favorite shows, really hate seeing it get milked Star Wars-style like this. What do we get next, “Combo: A Breaking Bad Story?”

Better Call Saul worked because Bob Odenkirk is amazing and he has the chops to make a minor comic relief character into something really interesting, but I don’t need any more Breaking Bad Expanded Universe in my life.

In other news, I really have to recommend American Factory on Netflix even though it is hella grim and dytopian and infuriated me. It is an important movie.

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The all time WOAT poker scene has to go to short lived Flash Forward. Just a god awful show where ABC thought they could hire any joe schmoes and could recreate LOST.

Skip to the 35 minute mark


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The poker scene from billions was the best I’ve ever seen period.

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Razor gangs of Bridgeton :unamused: Hulloo Hullo… :roll_eyes:

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Just finished binging on The Good Fight. It’s the single best critique of trump I’ve ever seen. It’s bitting parody but also serious critique from the left. I can’t think of anything else I’ve seen that more closely reflects the type of discussions that happen on this forum all the time.

It’s rather shocking this got made to be honest.

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OK so preflop villain raises with 4h5h and Taylor raises it up in the big to 400k with Tc9d and villain calls. 3 bet from Taylor seems a little loose to me.

Flop: 7d3c3h

Taylor bombs it, betting 700k. Villain calls with his gutshot and backdoor flush and boat draws.

Turn: Ks

Taylor checks and gives up rather than represent the king, which is probably good. You can’t bluff all your missed hands here, T9 JT J9 98 T8 are all nothing so if you bluff every time you’ve got one of those hands you will be betting wayyyyyyy too much. Villain bets 1.7 million and it’s hard to think of a better hand to bluff with on that board. Perfectly fine play. Taylor makes the aggressive call with the ten high, which seems…questionable.

River: Qd

Taylor checks. Villain calls time to go get coaching in the middle of the hand (???). He returns to the table after dropping a couple of extremely transphobic slurs and shoves. Which seems good (the shoving, not the transphobic slurs). He know he can’t win by checking and he definitely doesn’t have any worse hands. Bluffing with the bottom of your range when card removal isn’t important (and it doesn’t seem important here) is good.

Taylor does some expert level analysis. Villain can’t have a king, because he would have reraised preflop. (???) The notion that villain is four betting hands like K5s and K9o seems, uh, dubious. And of course he can have K3s or Q3s or or 43s or A3. Taylor says that he’s not moving in with a Q, which, uh, of course not. Is he even shoving a bad king there? Probably not, but he can have KQo and plenty of threes.

So Taylor calls with the ten high. Which, even if you think your opponent is bluffing too much in this spot and value betting too little, seems insane. Calls two streets with no pair no draw. Doesn’t even beat all the hands that villain could be bluffing with, what if he decides to go with J9 here because he doesn’t think he has enough combos of gutterballs. Find a better spot yo.

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It’s a much more interesting hand than a quads over top boat cooler… which is basically 100% of the competition. If the villain is some huge huge LAG her line isn’t completely indefensible.

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No it’s completely indefensible even then. Are they check calling two streets with 100% of their hands in that spot? T9 is almost literally their worst hand in that spot. If your opponent is bluffing too much your exploitative adjustment is to make more calls around the margins, not call literally everything that has some conceivable showdown value. Again, Taylor doesn’t even beat all the bluffs that the villain could show up with!

And it isn’t clear that the villain is some sort of huge LAG. One of the players played the hand quite reasonably, and it isn’t the player who won the hand.

I’ll defer to you here on the poker. I’m just happy that the glorious play was a hero call instead of a cooler lol.

So this is based on Stu Ungar vs. Mansour Matloubi at the WSOP Main Event, right?

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It gets weirder: Grandpa Simpson wrote that article

With blinds of 200/400 and Ungar holding 60,000 to Matloubi ’s 40,000, the players were dealt 10-9 offsuit and 4-5 offsuit respectively. Unfair opened 4x from the small blind, as was fairly standard at that time, and Matloubi called.

Why are people talking about POKER

Billions poker scene


Netflix suggesting things I’ve already seen. Netflix suggesting other things I’ve already seen becaues I’ve watched something else. Netflix not remembering where I’ve left off a series if I watch it on another device or asking if I want to continue watching because there is 1 minute of the credits left to watch. Netflix playing sound on every trailer you swipe past unless you mute it on my PS4. Shitshow imo.

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The Cheers poker game though.

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Luck had the best poker scenes. A+ depiction of degenerate gambler, good tilt, hilarious villain, good slow rolls. “FLOOR!”

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