The Television Streaming Thread: Now With Felonies

Poll isn’t closed but I am sure there must be massive voter fraud here. I do not concede and demand an immediate thread recount.

Those with their fingers on the neckbeard pulse (don’t do this) know that they are way more triggered when their legacy characters get ‘re-imagined’, as opposed to generic Trumpies erupting over pronouns.

Furthermore, if the voters here had actually read Sandman they would realize that anti-trans bigots put this in the bin with the rest of the devil books a long time ago. Historically, this was the first huge-selling series with upfront genderqueer characters from the first issues.

  • I put my pronouns in my email signature.
  • No, I am deplorable.

0 voters

You might think…but nope

Scroll down far enough in the comments. I get that Sandman’s Death is an iconic comic book character…but deplorables are not comic book people. It really is the pronoun

Neckbeard deplorables are almost the entire comic book readership.

17 posts were merged into an existing topic: The Great Pronoun Debate

Isn’t the whole comic book and comic book movie/TV industry super woke these days? I’m trying to imagine deplorables following The Flash on CW and not getting tilted left and right.


damn i just now realized the guy from superstore was on kids in the hall. this has been bothering me for years.

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I was exaggerating. My bad. The industry is woke, but a lot of the fans are not. Most of comicbook Youtube is middle-aged white dudes with beards yelling about woke culture and how Discovery ruined Star Trek.

Friends reunion show on HBO Max is very good.

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Search Party is quite odd. I’m half way through season one and can’t decide if I should continue. It’s got rave reviews. Anyone else see it? Should I continue?

I enjoyed it until Season 4, which I hated. Stick with it imo.

Just watched the very limited series Special on Netflix. Eight 15-minute episodes. It’s a semi-autobiographical story of a gay man with Cerebral Palsy. Sweet and funny.

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We can’t seem to turn it off. Just finished season one. That was unexpected.

I just finished Unforgotten and quite enjoyed it. A UK crime/cop show with a pretty solid cast. Thanks @Jalfrezi

Funny, we just finished S1 last night and also quite enjoyed it.

Overall it was solid enough, with the worst aspects of the 70s grimly evoked, but I didn’t really take to the neat wrapping up of all loose ends via big emotional scenes in the final episode.

We’ve decided to give Mare a try now instead.

I think we’ve been spoiled by The Bridge and Line Of Duty.

Yeah I also wasn’t super keen on all the copper personal lives bits either. Still watched it though ha ha.

If you think about it too much, there was lots of crappy writing and loose ends they added to create suspense.

Another - [spoiler]the scene where the killers dad asked the mom to take DJ. The guy is about to go to jail for life to protect your son, asking you to take in his bastard is not a big deal, but they made it seems like it was.[/spoiler]

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Mare thoughts:

Hated the ending. Apparently there are no real villains, a teen girl is raped(?) and killed and the takeaway is that accidents happen, just love each other moving forward. We have to hear a sermon given to all the characters gathered in a Catholic church by the oh so unfairly treated priest. And yeah, there were lots of false leads, which was pretty cheesy but I do respect it in a way. They actually did get Guy Pearce to play a minor character that really has no purpose other than throwing the audience off.


The Bo Burnham thing on Netflix that’s been in the news is definitely worth watching imo.