The Television Streaming Thread: Now With Felonies

going to rewatch star trek discovery and picard. not sure if good, but CBS

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This gets a wat too.

Shees! Cab,Bob? (episode 6) is one of my all time favorite television episodes. Obviously S1 doesnt have as many great episodes as 2-4, but the pilot is strong, and Crawl Space (episode 2) has a very well done Shining homage.

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My recollection is that the Simpsons was really good in about season 4, there were certainly some good seasons after that. But season 4 in particular has some insanely good episodes (Homer stays home from church, Marge gets a role in Streetcar Named Desire, Mr. Plow, Dental Plan, etc.).

What’s you favorite Simpson’s season?

Was just about to go look for this.

The exercise-to-music is a real thing here. Not all companies, but many factories and the like.

Though I’ve yet to see a pet Aibo roaming around an office.

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A fantastic idea.

Hope me ragging so hard on him doesn’t take away from how many of his stories I adore. And even among those that aren’t to my taste, there’s so much richness to discuss.

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Oh no, I LOVE Full Dark, No Stars. Just 4 stories of non-stop emotional brutality.


For anybody who suffers from the “King doesnt write good endings” bug, 11/22/63 is a great antidote

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On to Sopranos S6. Wow at season 5! That’s TV at it’s finest. Really sad I only have one season to go.

currently watching S6E1 and it’s so fucking jarring listening to Tony talk normally during this dream sequence

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4 is great, no doubt, but 6 and 7 are all timers and produced some of the best single episodes of television ever. Who shot Burns 1 and 2, Radioactive Man, Treehouse V and VI, Sideshow Bob Roberts is the TV pinnacle of political satire that somehow holds up today as relevant, Lisa on Ice, Lisa’s Wedding, the PTA disband does for shitty public schooling satire what Sideshow Bob Roberts does for political satire etc etc.

Out of 50 episodes over the course of 2 seasons there are 2! episodes that arent great. Round Springfield and Another Simpsons Clip Show (and that one doesnt really count.) So if you take that out, they bat 48/49 for episodes that are on a scale of great to all time episodes in television history.

There has never (and likely will never) be another stretch of television with the consistency of Simpsoms S3-8. Of the 150 or so episodes, less than 10 can be considered not very good. They had more great episodes in those 6 seasons than any other show has had in their entire series.

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Simpsons peaked in season 5 with Cape Feare and then the next week with Homer Goes To College.

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Yeah, I can see that argument. I personally like the season 4 episodes a little more but it’s close. I think that Mr. Plow and the Monorail are the two funniest Simpson’s episodes but I see the argument for the 6/7 which were a little more creative in my opinion. In season 4 they were just hitting their stride and in season 6/7 they had exhausted the low hanging fruit and came up with some more incisive stuff (like the political satire as you point out).

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I think it’s impossible to peak as a show if you have an episode like “You Only Move Twice” still three seasons away.

By the way, Simpsons (at least S1-10) is my nerd nirvana.

I dont know if anyone remembers the old comedy central game show Beat the Geeks, but I always wanted to go on there with The Simpsons as my specialty. I watched so much during the syndication years, I used to be able to recite the episode production number for each episode and could give you a plot synopsis within the first ten seconds of each episode.

Nope, I’m a big Lisa mark. Lisa on Ice, Lisa’s Pony, Lisa’s Wedding, Liss the Iconoclast, Lisa the vegetarian, and Lisa’s rival are all very very good episodes.

Does anybody else watch the David Suchet Poirot series?

I generally like them, but the final one is really bad. Poirot knows someone is a serial killer, but he can’t prove it. So Poirot just straight up murders him.

Apparently Agatha Christie hated Poirot and resented his popularity, so this last story was her way of getting back at him.

This last story is so out of character that it makes it hard for me to enjoy the earlier episodes the same way as before.

I recently tried to watch all the Simpsons when I subbed to Disney Plus but man that was hard to do when there is such a noticeable drop off in quality after season 12.

They should have just ended the show after this joke in season 12 episode 8.

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He ended up playing Poirot for like 24 years. About a decade less than Falk played Colombo, but still very impressive.

You should check out some of the later episodes if you liked the early series. They have some of the best known Poirot stories, including Murder on the Orient Express and Death on the Nile. Just skip the last episode.

Definitely time for a Simpsons thread. I will turn the recent posts into a thread later if another mod has not descended. Continue as you were.

Would be AMAZING to start from the beginning and go to the current seasons, but wow at that amount of time.

Yeah, I wasn’t planning to kick it up but early Bob’s is very good. Like early Community, people tend to overlook how well-formed the characters were early on, usually instead thinking the show took a leap when it finally clicked for them. (Community’s leap into concept episodes is another reason for that, but that’s another discussion.)

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