The Television Streaming Thread: Now With Felonies

A tiny moment as Charlize Theron/Megyn Kelly gives the audience a tour around the Fox offices. She stops by a row of cubicle pods to introduce us to her staff for The Kelly Show.

“We’re underground, so it smells like mold. But there hasn’t been a rat sighting in four months.”

She holds up four fingers for emphasis, and in the background, just before the shot cuts away, we hear her staff faintly declare “YAY.”

It’s just so pitiful lol. The movie is so well executed.

Digging this one out via the search function.

I enjoyed it. But in Sorkin gonna Sorkin news

You know that sympathetic prosecutor? Hes still alive. Did an interview where he is basically “youre damn right i ordered to code red”


Sorkin can’t imagine a worldview outside of Noble Patriotism.

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Watching Fargo for the first time. Not quite done w S1. Surely I am not the only one with a crush on Molly right?

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Watched this recently as well. I liked S1 best. S2 good too, different vibe. Not watching S3-4 based on universal advice that they suck.

That is my chief criticism of the movie.

It hammers the theme of Family First more times than a Fast and Furious movie. But this is a ridiculous theme for a movie about the horrors of addiction and co-dependency. At one point, one character demands the other justify why they continue to enable the other person’s addiction. And the movie, with not a hint of self-reflection, says we enable each other’s addictions because that’s what family does for each other. We never give up. We never walk away. We stand by each other through the bitter end, one sinking deck of the Titanic at a time.


Apparently I’ve been able to stream Showtime for free for the past week, unbeknownst to me. Xfinity emails have been going to my junk folder. Today is the last day though fml.

Anyone seen Moon Base 8? It’s got Fred Armisen and John C. Reilly and Tim Heidecker so I assume it’s brilliant. I’m afraid to even mess with it because I’ll have to sign up for Showtime if it’s worth a damn, otherwise I can’t finish it.

I had high hopes for the flight attendant but had to bail after 2, its the typical “stupid protagonist makes incredibly bad choices yet worms her way out of trouble time and again” type show, dunno what Cuoco was thinking here.

We were going to watch it but decided not to after reading some reviews.

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Excellent modern 3 stooges comedy. They do that thing where the smart one is just as dumb but he’s assertive so the other two act like he’s smart

5 bags


I have, it’s fine, not great but entertaining enough and short enough you could do the whole thing in a night.


I enjoyed it. It wasn’t great but I had fun. Travis Kelce is hilarious.

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Fresh Prince Reunion Special is excellent. So many funny and tearful moments to remember. Great interactions between the reunited cast as well.

I’d post the Darth Vadar nooooo meme, but they took David Prowse yesterday, too.

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Yeah I jumped ship during the first episode. No bueno.

“Murder on Middle Beach” docuseries on HBO is pretty good. Wish they didn’t make me wait a week between episodes though.

This is awesome. So nice to see.

Did the same.
Several days ago but didn’t want to poison the well after a few posted they liked the 1st episode.


Have to say I have been pretty impressed with the coverage of this so far. It’s amazing how far we have come in a few years in this issue. I’m sure there are some bad examples, but the several sources I have seen have been sensitive and well written.

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