The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

You can only blame the voters so much when the senate is wildly undemocratic by design. Having said that, 60 Dem senators would have absolutely changed the SCOTUS makeup dramatically.

i’d say it should be getting very uncomfortable, if not impossible, to head into a dem primary without coming out for green new deal, m4a, prochoice legislation or amendment, and reforming scotus. it certainly doesn’t feel like progress enough, but this just wasn’t true at the same point in 2016 cycle. maybe even 2014. not sure, i didn’t pay as much attention

We blame the voters to voting in shitlibs over progressive. They deserve 100% of the blame for their primary choices

Pretty sure even the shitlibs would have avoided blocking all of Obama’s SCOTUS picks. I mean, maybe if we had 10 Manchins in the Senate.

Elected Republicans might regret losing their biggest vote driver but I’m sure they’ll just pivot to some other red meat hot button topic like voter ID to keep their base riled up.

This type of lawbro post where they treat a judge saying like “Mr Kavanaugh, I find your reasoning here to be specious in some instances” or something like it’s Nas - Ether is the most nauseating genre of post on the entire internet.

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It’s school boards and critical race theory. That’s going to be with us for a very long time.

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I’ve said it before, but Republicans have already won total victory on guns, and it’s still a hot button issue for them. They’ll be riding “DEFEND LIFE” as an election issue for as long as they bother letting us have elections.




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Murder, obviously.

It was their big issue in the 90s. Today it’s getting liberals and lizard people. Actual issues don’t matter at all to the right.

Somehow forgot about this.


Been to marches, too. Guess marches and organizing are just as pointless?

Marches seem pretty pointless, did the women’s March do anything

Organizing for Dems is pretty pointless

Organizing for communists seems pretty good

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Well, I’m glad you found a group who’d never disappoint you with how they use political power.




Next white whale is a personhood amendment and increasingly fucking with blue states’ abortion laws.

Also it’s a good rallying cry in light blue to swing states, “elect us and we’ll abolish abortion”

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I think I’m missing the connection.